A/N: I'm back! It feels great writing again. Sorry for the REALLY long wait but I will start updating more frequently now I hope. :D ENJOY!
Chapter 23 Caring:
I walk into my house to find a weird surprise.
“What are you doing here?” I ask.
They all turn around.
“There you are,” Austin says walking towards me with JJ, Em, and Drew.
Em walks up to me and gives me a hug.
“I was so worried, we all called so many times! Where in the hell did you go!?” Em asked.
“Okay, okay I’m sorry I forgot my phone and I was about to call you guys back, I just went out to cool my mind.”
“You could’ve told us Elena,” Drew said.
“I know I’m sorry.”
“Do you guys wanna stay?”
“No, we already have been here for a while and um I think someone really wants to talk to you so we’ll see you tomorrow,”Em said.
“Okay, and wait who wants to talk to me?” before they could answer my question they were out the door.
Okay that was weird. I slowly make my way upstairs to my room. I open the door and see someone on my bed.
My mouth drops open and before I can say something he launches into a speech.
“Where the hell did you go? I called so many times but you never answered, you do know you’re my responsibility at school because mom wants me to take care of you; you can’t just leave school without telling me anything. Where and who did you even go with?!” Shane yelled.
“Um, I went with Jake to the beach.” I answer after a while.
Wait why am I answering him? I left because of him.
“Why do you care anyways, I left because of you, why are you acting like you care so much and I’m not a kid I could’ve found my way home and lastly I am not your responsibility I can take care of myself. Oh and if you’re supposed to care about me at school you wouldn’t have done what you did or you would’ve at least stopped Sabrina from embarrassing me in front of everyone.”
There was an awkward silence between Shane answered.
“I think you’re forgetting but I did come after you and your pen exploded in my face, remember?” Oh yeah I forgot about the incident that happened in the classroom. I saw Shane move closer to me.
“I do care about what happened at school,” Shane said sincerely looking straight into my eyes.
“I also warned you Sabrina was going to do something like that, look I feel really guilty about what happened and I sorta yelled at Sabrina about it when I couldn’t find you at school, I hope that makes up for what happened.”
“Oh, um, well-”
“I should go now,” Shane says as he makes his way out of my room.
Damn, he really looked like he cared. Why didn’t I say something? Now I feel bad. I should probably go talk to him.
I freshen up and go downstairs to talk to Shane, at that moment my phone starts ringing.
“So how was the surprise?” Em asked.
“Weird,” I answered.
“Okay, whatever, so where were you all day?”
“Oh, Jake and I went to the beach and it was so much fun, we crashed a wedding and the people were just so kind and we even met the bride and groom they looked so cute together.” I say telling Em happily about the day.
“Sounds like a lot of fun, and it sounds like something is happening between the two of you.”
“What? No, we’re just friends and he only took me out because I was upset.”
“Oh okay if you say so.”
“Whatever, oh I have to go do something really important I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay, bye.”
I walk into the house.
“Hey Maria,” I say happily.
“Hi, sweetheart what brings you here?”
“Oh um I need to talk to Shane, is he here?”
“He should be in his room, but you should stay here, it’s time for dinner so he’s probably on his way down anyways.”
“Oh okay.”
“You’re eating dinner with us right?”
“Um, sure why not,” I say with a smile. At that moment Shane makes his way down the stairs and sees me.
We all sit down and start eating. Shane and I keep avoiding each other’s gazes. We finish eating and I make my way towards the door.
“Elena, didn’t you want to talk to Shane?”
“Huh, oh yeah we can talk later it wasn't that important,” I say with a smile and quickly leave.
I go into my room and start cleaning out my closet. It’s a problem, whenever I’m thinking about something or have to clear my mind I clean.
I find a bag in the far corner of the closet and open it. I see so many clothes that are super cute but really short I actually remember buying these.
Em, JJ, and I went shopping a couple of months ago. We saw Sabrina there with her friends looking at the tiniest most inappropriate things. Em had dared me to buy the things she looks at so I bought some of that stuff and never wore them, since they aren’t my style.
I look at the little black dress I’m holding in my hands. Maybe it’s time to try these things on for the first time. I take all the clothes out and put them on my bed, I guess it’s time for a one woman fashion show.
I grab the black dress first and go to the bathroom to try it on.
A/N: Okay so i know this chapter aint that great but it's hard to just start writing again. Anyways the next chapter is going to be really good i promise. Thanks for staying with me for such a long time. Love you guys. Don't forget to vote and comment your comments mean a lot to me! :)

Not What We Expected
HumorElena Parker’s life was great. She’s not popular but has a great group of close friends. She had this diary she would always write in about everything. She’s glad to finally be a senior one more year and she would be off to her dream college away fr...