New Friends.

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A/N This chapter id dedicated to @thatmaraudergirl who has been a good buddy and a constant chatting person!!

Hermione's pov.
It had been a month since Alice sarted talking to me.Though we both were friends,we never had the time to talk.While she was busy with her preparation for the OWLs,i had been all alone,without anyone.And Malfoy has been behaving very nicely.He never attacked me and never ill treated me.He never talkes to me in a nice way or helpes.But he was not making my life a hell and so i was happy.

He always observed me where ever i go.And it seems as though there was an unspoken rule between us not to hurt eachother.I had never got the feeling to attack him and so didn't he.And i was happy.I had a free period today.I had already completed revising everything in all lessons.I thought of sneeking into the forbidden forest.I knew it was against the rules but i couldn't help but wonder what was in there.I knew about Gwarp too.

I picked up my wand and without anyone noticing,i went inside.I wore my coat as i knew it will be cold there.I passed by Professor Snape who gave me an evil look as usual and left.The forest was gloomy even though the climate was perfect.I went till Hagrid's house which is in the edge of the forest.I peeked into his house,he was being questioned by The devil in pink.Guess who?

He had gone somewhere and had just returned and he was being tortured by her.I silently went inside the forest.It was eerily quiet.Even my footsteps echoed very loudly.As i started venturing deep the surroundings started to change.Usually students used to venture in to the forest ao the path i came was clear.But after a point,the path was overgrowm.Climbers and creepers and all sorts of magical plants.

The climate became cold the trees became spookier and thick.It became very dark.Clearly,no one had ventured so far."Lumos"i said.A tiny light appeared.Soon,i started to hear different sorts of sounds.Like trampling of twigs,footsteps,and creatures making noise.I tried to be brave.After all,i was a Gryffindor!!I sighed.I was a Gryffindor.Now i am a stupid sly....Then,i felt someone was looking at me and following me.

It was too late when i turned back.Someone...or something attacked me.Then i fell down and everything became dark.Basically,i swooned.

When i opened my eyes a bright light flashed.I was blinded.I could hear people talking.

"Do you think.she is all right?"
"You don't talk,you foul dog!!You attacked her!!"
"Hey!!I thought she was an outsider!! know what i mean!!"
"You didn't see?She's wearing Hogwarts uniform?"
"It was dark?Do you expect me to check people who come here and then attack?"
"But...why did she come here?And i know her!!"

I opened my eyes and tried getting up."Slowly.."someone caught my hand.The hand was damn cold.I shrugged it off.My hand would have become numb if the hand had caught me a minute more.Then a warm hand caught me and helped me up.When i managed to see,i wished i hadn't.

A beautiful,stunning guy was standing before me.He was pale and his smile was dazzling.His hand was very cold and he was very familiar.Then it struck me."Cedric Diggory."i muttered.He smiled."You got it,Granger!!"he said.There was a guy next to me.He was smart and quite older than me.A year,i suppose.His warm hand was touching mine."Sorry for hurting you.I thought it was an enemy."he said.

"I...i thought attacked..."i started."!!"he said.I was in a small house.They led me ouside.That warm guy went out and started removing his shirt.I was taken aback."What are you..."i started."I don't have another pair of dress.So i have to remove them"he said,removing his pants.I didn't understand a thing.Then,after only his....that....was left,he started clenching his teeth.His body changed colour and he jumped in front of me.I fell back.

"Ruffff....rrrrr...."he,or maybe,it said.In front of me was a big,big,big werewolf.A werewolf..."Hermione,Andrew is a werewolf."said Cedric."ohh....."i said.Andrew licked me.I smiled.We went in.From the outside,it was looking like an old unused hut but when you go inside,it was like a big mansion.Just like the tent we were in the previous year i went to the quidditch worldcup with Ron and....Ron.I pushed him out of my mind.

"So...Cedric,how are"i asked when Andrew handed me a glass of hot chocolate."I'm dead,Hermione!"he said.I was confused."Then...."i started.."I'm a vampire."he said.Ohh..that was why he was cold and stuff." are you..."i asked.He understood."Peter hit me with the spell.Because his powers were controlled by a not fully powerful you know who,it took time to take full effect.That is,a day.Before that,when everyone had gone behind harry to ask what happened and my dad went to speak with Dumbledore,the vampires who live here took me and bit me"he said and showed his hand.

In the wrist was a silver crescent shaped scar.The bite." are cold,never sleep,never eat,never age and you have nice speed and you have a special ability too,if you have a special ability,you are in the highest rung."i said."Wow!! Which book did you swallow??"Andrew asked."Well!What else can you expect from the great Hermione Granger?"asked Cedric,with a smile.

"And you?"i asked Andrew."Well.I'm a werewolf.Quite different from the others.I'm not like others who become werewolves during full moon.I can change whenever i want."he said."Did a werewolf bite you?"i asked."No.There is a specific age.Like fifteen or sixteen.I decended from the first werewolf.So's there in my genes."he said."I was also a student in Hogwarts.Then,when i was in my fifth year,i saw changes in my body and stuff."

"Then i came to know who i was.So...then i came here."he said." one knows both of you are here?"i.asked"Who can hide anything from Dumbledore?He obviously knows we are here.And he has no issues of us living here unless no one finds us and now here you are,knowing all about us."said Cedric."I'm sure i can promise that i will.not yell anyone about you."i said."We believe you,Hermione."Andy said.I liked calling him Andy.

"It's dinner time."said Cedric."What?!!It's soo late?I have to go back!!"i said."Yes.And you can come here whenever you want."said Cedric."By the way,how do you guys get stuff to eat and live?"i asked."I hunt animals."Cedric said."You Andy?"i asked." must be leaving."he said.He was suddenly uneasy."Sure.Bye!!"i said.It didn't take me a lot of time to get to the castle.

I joined the slytherin table for dinner.Harry and Alice smiled at me.When i scanned the table,i saw that Draco was missing.He must have dozed off. I thought.I saw that Snape and Dumbledore were looking at me like they were going to curse me.Even Dumbledore was tensed.Then half way through dinner,i saw Draco entering the hall,his eyes fixed on me.He was a bit dirty and clenched his wand tightly.

Then,i talked with Harry and Alice for some time and made my way to the tower.In my room,i saw Draco slumpled over his bed,his head resting on the bed post,with his shorts and....nothing else.His body,was as usual,amazing,with water drops going down on his muscles,which meant he had taken a bath.

I was very tierd and i changed my clothes inside the bathroom.As usual,the bathroom smelled wonderful.I came out and combed my hair.All this time he was keenly observing me which sent creeps all over my body.When i went to lie down,he moved and came near my bed.I took no notice.After i lied down,he came near my ear and whispered,

"Don't ever go there and meet them again..."

Helloooooo!!!How was the story??
How doed draco know?
Who r these two charecters?
What r they going to do to this story?

Wait for d nxt chap...
Vote n comment n share!!^_^

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