Chapter 1

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(Lucy's POV)

"Hey Luce," Natsu said. "Let's go on a job, just us two."
"But Natsu~" I whined. "We just got back from one ten minutes ago!"
"Yeh but we were with Happy, Wendy and Carla!" He sulked. "I want to go on one with you!"

"Maybe in a day or two, right now I need to rest." I sighed. I turned my head to look at Natsu but he was sulking like a child.
"Can we go out later then?" He asked, his puppy dog eyes pleading me.

Wait... is he asking me on a date?

"Um...Sure," I replied. "But where would we go?"
"Don't you worry about that!" He smirked.

Natsu then ran off, accidentally bumping into Gray.
"What did ya do that for Flame Brain!?" Gray yelled.
"Oh you wanna go Ice Princess!?" Natsu yelled back.
"Fight me!" Gray threatened. They then broke out into a fight, throwing tables and chairs at each other. A chair landed on Erza's strawberry cake and she got really mad. I better leave while I can.


I walked off to my house to get ready for later. When I opened my door I heard sobbing coming from the couch, so I ran into my living room to find a small, blue ball of fluff curled up on the sofa.

"Happy?" I asked.
"L-Lushee" he cried, stretching his arms out for a cuddle. I picked him up and cradled him like a baby.
"What's the matter?" I asked softly.
"I-It's Natsu..." He began. "He's been acting really strange lately."

Now that I think about it, Natsu has never pestered to go somewhere with me that much before.

"I asked him before if he wanted to go to his favourite restaurant with me and he said no. I asked him why and he said that he didn't want me, only you!" Happy cried. "A-and t-then he h-hit me, and said that he d-didn't like me."

"HE HIT YOU!?" I yelled in disbelief. Happy nodded in reply, tears streaming down his face.
"Happy, I'm sure Natsu likes you deep down, he was just having a bit of stress since he just finished a difficult job." I reassured him, stroking his fur. I was definitely having a word with Natsu!

"Anyway," I began "How did you get in my house?"
"Y-your window was open." He replied.
"God, I wish Natsu would use the door instead of the window when he leaves in the morning." I sighed, closing the open window.
"Wait here Happy, I'm going to get changed then we'll go back to the guild." I said. He nodded in reply.


(Natsu's POV)

Erza eventually stopped the fight between me and Elsa. I looked around for Luce but I couldn't see her.
"Luce?" I called. I felt pain in my gut when I realised Luce wasn't here and I started to panic.

"Where's Luce!?" I yelled.
"She left, a long time ago." Mira replied, shrugging.
"Where to?" I asked.
"I don't know." She replied. Suddenly I heard the doors open so I swiftly spun round to see Luce and Happy.

"LUCE!" I yelled "Where have you been?" She was dressed up and looked really nice. Sexy even. Hey! Stop right there dirty thoughts.

"Why did you hit Happy when he didn't do anything wrong!?" She yelled at me, ignoring my initial question.
"He was annoying me." I sighed.
"Say sorry!" She scowled. I don't want to say sorry, but Luce wants me to, so I will. She's so beautiful....GAHH!!

"Natsu?" She asked, waving her hand in front of my face.
"Oh, uh...sorry Happy." I sulked.
"That's better!" She smiled. I don't know why, but whenever she smiled, it made me smile.

"Happy, why don't you go talk to Carla?" Luce said to Happy.
"Aye Sir!" He replied, and flew off to Wendy and Carla.
"Now," she sighed. "Where's this date you promised me?"


(Lucy's POV)

"Keep your eyes closed." I heard Natsu say.
"Okay..." I smiled. After about five minutes of walking we finally stopped.
"Okay, open your eyes now." Natsu said. When I opened them, I saw a beautiful, pink Sakura tree, behind it was a cliff, with a beautiful view of the ocean and the orange sunset.

"Natsu, this is amazing!" I gasped.
"I know, that's why I took you here." He replied. I started to blush.

We sat leant against the tree in silence for a while, until a cold gust of wind blew in our direction. Natsu pulled himself closer to me and slightly increased his body temperature, knowing that I was cold.
"Thanks Natsu." I said.

"This morning, just after you left, I felt a pain in my stomach when I realised you weren't at the guild..." Natsu began.
"Oh, uhh....." I felt my cheeks turn pink. Is this a sign that he actually likes me? "You were probably just excited for Dragon Mating Season!" I replied. "I mean, it's an event that only happens once every ten years, and there's a big celebration!"

"Yeah, you're probably right." Natsu sighed. "But I have a funny feeling that Dragon Mating Season isn't going to be much fun celebrating..."

It was going dark, so I decided to go home.
"Luce?" Natsu asked.
"C-can I sleep at yours tonight please?" He asked. He gave me those puppy dog eyes again and I couldn't resist.
"Fine," I sighed. "But if you try anything you're dead meat!"
"Got it!" He saluted. This made me laugh.
"Let's go." I smiled.

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