Chapter 19

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(A/N): Very sorry for the inactivity, and I know you don't want to hear excuses, but I've had a lot of homework. Ugh. And I've been watching American Horror Story too.

I'm aiming to make my chapters longer now, so instead of making the chapters 400-500 words long, I'm going to make them at least 1000 words.

Enjoy the chapter ☆〜(ゝ。

(Lucy's POV) -Three Weeks Later-

I walked to the guild alongside Natsu, a huge bump on my belly. Hitting the pyro on the head took him out of that strange trance, but he still acts very protective.

He never leaves my side, won't let me do any work on jobs, I even have to remind him that I can go to the toilet by myself.

Each day is like a routine now:

I wake up to Natsu next to me in bed, either cuddling me or my bump. Him and Happy then feed me loads of fish for breakfast. "It's good for the baby." They say. Natsu walks with me everyday to the Guild, saying I have to hold his hand so I don't get lost.

We walked into the guild hall to see all our friends chatting, then Gray came over.
"Morning Lucy." He smirked.
"What do you want? Ice prick." Natsu growled.
"Shut up, pyro." Gray scowled. "I just wanted to.. talk... with Lucy."

Of course, he was lying. This happened everyday, Gray teasing Natsu just to piss him off. And everyday, Natsu falls for it. Baka.

"Stay away from her!" Natsu growled possessively.
"Dude," Gray smirked. "Don't yell, you'll upset the baby." While Natsu cursed himself, Gray stepped closer and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Should we go somewhere? Luce?" Gray imitated, looking at Natsu the whole time he said this, a smirk playing in his face.
"Gray, don't upset him like that." I whispered.
"You gotta admit, it's kinda funny." He smiled.
"Yeah but you know he can't help it." I replied. "It's the mating season's fault he's like this."
"Can't you just play along?" He pleaded.
"Fine, but I'm taking the lead." I smirked.

I'd noticed that our guild mates were watching, and that they knew about our acting, and were enjoying the show.

"Gray, get your hands off my Luce!" Natsu growled, stepping closer.
"Or what?" He grinned, putting his hand on my waist.
"I'll smash your face in before you can even say 'ice'." He cursed, lighting his fist on fire.

Gray then whispered in my ear 'just play along' then he turned away from Natsu and leaned close to my face.

Centimetres away.

"See, so it looks like we're kissing." He grinned. I had to smile, this was kinda funny.
"Now it's my turn, remember to play along." I smiled. "Oh, incoming." We both ducked and avoided Natsu's flaming punch.

"How dare you!?" I yelled at Gray, wiping my lips. I was a good actress, I could tell from the confused look on both boys' faces. Gray got it in the end though.
"Juvia will be disappointed in you!" I shouted, stepping closer.

I raised my hand and gave him a look, so when I brought my hand down near his cheek, he clapped, and it was like I'd slapped him.

"Never, do that again!" I yelled, pointing a finger at him. Natsu came up from behind me and held me close, glaring daggers at Gray.
"You heard her." Natsu smirked.

"Congrats Lucy," Gray smiled. "You managed to do something by yourself."
"What's that supposed to mean!?" Natsu growled again.
"It means, you don't need to go round watching her every move when she's perfectly capable of handling herself!" Gray yelled back, standing inches away from Natsu.
"I'm gonna get a drink...." I smiled awkwardly, stepping away.


(Lucy's POV)

I was sat at the bar with Juvia, Levy and Mira, drinking a smoothie.
"Juvia is not Happy about that show." Juvia sulked.
"Juvia, we didn't kiss, you saw." I sighed.
"Juvia knows, but Juvia can't help but feel jealous."

Oh yes, I'd forgot to mention it. Last week, Gray and Juvia announced that they were having a baby, and Gray then proposed to Juvia, so they're engaged. Juvia is expecting any day now, but me and Levy still have to wait about a week or so.

And also, Levy and Gajeel got married. You missed quite a bit in the time-skip.

"Lu-chan," Levy began. "When are you gonna marry Natsu? We're all pretty much married now, except for you."
"I don't know." I sighed. "He hasn't mentioned anything about marriage, so I didn't want to bring it up."
"Well, you're gonna have to do something soon." She tutted, tapping my stomach.

"I'm watching you Levy." Natsu warned teasingly, walking up behind me.
"And I'm watching you, salamander." Gajeel called from a few chairs away. He was sat with a few other guild mates.

Levy gave me a look, then gestured to Natsu.
"Hey, Natsu," I began. "I-"
"Did Gray touch you again!?" He yelled.
"No! No!" I said, waving my hands in front of me. "I want to discuss something."

He sat down on the stool next to me.
"What is it?" He asked me.
"When are we gonna get married?" I asked. I had to be blunt, Natsu's a dense person.
"Don't be silly, we're already married." He smiled.

"You see, I can't remember much, but the one thing I can remember is our vows." He smiled at me. I thought back....

I stood in the church; my white dress trailed on the floor and a bouquet of flowers were clutched in my hands. I was at the door, and at the end of the aisle was Natsu. Lyra began to play her harp and my father walked me down the aisle. I laughed, remembering that Capricorn was the priest.

When I got to the end, I looked up at Natsu, who took my hand and pulled me next to him. I looked in his eyes; they were a deep red.

Capricorn began to recite a poem about marriage, which pretty much everyone ignored.
"Natsu Dragneel, do you take Lucy Heartfilia to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do." He smirked.

"Lucy Heartfilia, do yo-" he was interrupted.
"Wait," Natsu smirked. "Don't call her that, call her Dragneel. I want to hear how it sounds."
"Okay. Lucy Dragneel," Capricorn looked at Natsu for approval.
"I like it." He smiled mischievously.
"Do you take Natsu Dragneel to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I-I.... do-"

"Oh yeah," I giggled. "We did."
"Why did you ask anyway?" He questioned.
"Levy mentioned it." I sighed. "Because the guild wasn't at the wedding, they didn't know."
"Well actually," Natsu began. "We didn't finish the wedding. Can you summon Capricorn?"

"Open, gate of the Sea-Goat, Capricorn!"

(A/N): I researched the Capricorn zodiac and it said Sea-Goat.

"Capricorn." I smiled. "Let's finish where we left off."
"Of course miss Lucy." He bowed.
"Natsu and Lucy, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

So Natsu pulled me in for a wonderful kiss.

Word Count: 1194

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