Chapter 4

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(A/N:) If you see ~X~ it means sexual content is coming up, and when you see ~X~ again it means it's over. (_')

(Lucy's POV)

~The Next Day~

"Happy Dragon Mating Season everyone!" Yelled Lisanna.
"This calls for a *hic* toast!" Cana added, chugging down another pint of booze.
Not everyone was celebrating though. Half the guild knew about the Dragon Slayers, and those that did had decided to keep their mouths shut.
"C'mon Lucy, join in the fun!" Bisca yelled.
"Nah," I replied. "I'm just not in the partying mood."

I couldn't stop thinking about Natsu.

Maybe I should go check on him.

Yeah, I will.


(Natsu's POV)

The pain in my stomach was overwhelming. In the surrounding cells I could hear Wendy crying, Gajeel and Laxus were moaning in pain and I was screaming out for Luce.

"LUCE!" I yelled. I got no reply and felt another stab of pain in my stomach. I wasn't going to give up. I pulled with all my might on the handcuffs, even trying to light up my fists with fire, but nothing worked. Nevertheless I kept trying.

"LUCE!" I called, louder this time.
"Natsu?" I heard. The pain in my stomach instantly vanished and I felt overwhelmed with joy.
"Luce! In here!" I called. The handle of the cell door slowly opened to reveal Luce standing there shyly.

She was gorgeous. Truly and utterly beautiful. Words could not describe how wonderful she was.

"N-Natsu?" Luce mumbled. "Are you alright?" I suddenly started to feel my underwear tighten. This can't be good.
"Yeah, I'm fine now." I sighed. "C'mere." I opened up my arms for her but she stayed by the door.
"Luce?" I asked, confused.
"I-I'm not allowed Natsu..." She mumbled. I started to feel depressed and angry. What did Levy say yesterday?

'Dragon Slayers will feel depressed if they're rejected by the mate.'

"I-I have to go now, Natsu." She whispered.
"W-wait Luce," I cried. "Can't you stay just a little longer? It hurts when you're not around."
"Fine." She sighed, closing the cell door. I felt so much happier now Luce was here. I also felt.... stronger.

Maybe, I could melt the metal handcuffs with my body heat.

Luce sat down at the opposite end of the cell, looking at me.
"Natsu, you're looking a bit red, are you okay?" She asked. I just ignored her.
"Natsu, you're burning!" She cried.

I watched her stare at the handcuffs in horror as they began to melt, dripping onto the stone floor.

"Oh no..." She whispered. This made me smirk.


(Lucy's POV)

"Oh no..." I whispered. He melted the handcuffs! Crap! What do I do!? I saw black lines begin to grow around his body, his nails turned to claws, and Dragon horns began to grow out of his head.

I stood up and reached for the door handle, but he pounced and pinned me against it.
"Where do you think you're going." He smirked. He then leant towards my ear.
"Don't run away Luce, I thought you loved me." He whispered.
(A/N:) Like the picture^^

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