Chapter 10

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(A/N): I just realised how short this story is; it's nearly over! They'll roughly be about another 3-5 chapters and it'll be done! It's quite a short chapter too because I'm lying in bed typing and I can smell toast. Mmmmmmmm. But I want to finish the chapter first.

(Lucy's POV)

I need to see my dad.

"Yes?" His hand was still cupped around my cheek, his eyes were blood red and very scary.
"Can I go see my dad?" I asked.
"Why would you want to do that?"
"I-I haven't seem him in a while, I wanted to say h-hi..." I lied.
"Well, I suppose he has some explaining to do." He smirked, grabbing my hand.

We walked to my dad's office and opened the door. Inside, dad was tied to a chair, with tape over his mouth.
"DAD!" I yelled, letting go of Natsu's hand and running over. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist, holding me back.
"Don't run off like that Luce." He said in a hushed voice, a little irritated.

We both walked over, I had tears in my eyes and Natsu held me tightly. He ripped the tape off my dad's mouth. Ouch.
"Natsu, why are you doing this?" I asked.
"Explain." Natsu ordered to my dad.

"Lucy, I couldn't stop him, h-he threatened to d-dig up Layla's-" Natsu kicked him.
"I said explain." He said, angrier this time.
"I-I'm stepping down Lucy." He muttered.
"You are to marry Natsu tomorrow and live here, I'm leaving."

I could tell he was forced into this, he would never just give everything up like this.

This isn't Natsu. Who is he?


"You heard the old man Luce." He smirked. "You belong to me."
"Don't hurt her, please!" My father begged.
"Shut up gramps! She's mine!" Natsu yelled. I felt the tears run down my face.

"We're leaving." Natsu said, grabbing my arm.

Why was he doing this?


(Gray's POV)

"Erza, we're lost." Happy sighed.
"We're not lost!" Erza yelled, looking at the map. "We should be here now!"

We all looked up to see nothing but desert.

"Looks like a mansion to me." I said sarcastically, getting a death glare off Erza. Yikes.

"C'mon Erza!" Happy sighed. "How hard can it be to look at a map!?"
"You look at it then since you found it!" She huffed. We looked over her shoulder.
"This is the wrong map." I said.


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