Chapter 15

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(Levy's POV)

Gajeel was holding me tight. Really tight.
"Uhh, Gajeel? You can let go now." I choked.
"No I can't." He grunted.
"What?" I asked.
"Something's not right." He said, sniffing the air.
"What's not ri-aahh!" Gajeel then laid his head on my belly, sniffing it.
"GAJEEL!?" I yelled. Most of the people in the guild looked at him weirdly.

"Can you smell it Gajeel?" Sting teased. He grunted in reply.
"What are we meant to be smelling?" I asked worriedly.
"That thing." He said, pointing to my stomach.
"What's wrong with my stomach!?" I yelled.
"The idiot's trying to say that you're pregnant." Sting smirked.

"EEEHHHH!!!??" The whole guild yelled.

(Wendy's POV)

As I lay there next to Romeo, I began to feel my body shrinking. It got smaller and smaller until it finally felt comfortable. I saw that Romeo had gone back to normal too.
"Hey, it worked!" He smiled, sitting up. Luckily the duvet was there; we were both NAKED!

"Uhh..." He looked embarrassed. I was too. We jumped out of bed and hid behind each side, peeping our heads over to look each other in the eyes.
"I won't look if you don't." I whispered. He nodded, and we both got dressed.

Those strange voices in my head had gone, along with those strange urges. I was glad, but slightly disappointed. Romeo is really nice.

"Let's go." He smiled, holding my hand. We walked out the room to see that Saber Tooth was in our guild hall.

"Well, look who it is." Gajeel smirked. "Have fun Romeo?" He let go of my hand and we both blushed madly.
"D-don't tell me...." Sting worriedly pointed a finger towards the two of us.
"Calm your tits, blondie." Gajeel smirked. "They were grown up when they started."

(Lucy's POV)

There I stood in the empty church; my dress trailed on the floor and a bouquet of flowers were being tightly held in my hands. I was at the door, and at the end of the aisle was Natsu. Lyra began to play her harp and my father came up from behind me. I linked my arm with his and we walked down the aisle together. Capricorn was the priest, apparently.

When I got to the end, I looked up at Natsu, who took my hand and pulled me next to him. I looked in his eyes; they were a deep red. Not good.
"You'd be wise not to think like that." Natsu whispered. Crap! I forgot that he can hear me.
"Silly girl." He sighed.

Capricorn began to recite a poem about marriage, which pretty much everyone else ignored.
"Natsu Dragneel, do you take Lucy Heartfilia to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do." He smirked.

"Lucy Heartfilia, do yo-" he was interrupted.
"Wait," Natsu smirked. "Don't call her that, call her Dragneel. I want to hear how it sounds." The smile on his face scared me.
"Okay. Lucy Dragneel," Capricorn looked at Natsu for approval.
"I like it." He smiled mischievously.
"Do you take Natsu Dragneel to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I hesitated, but then I got a look off Natsu, then I heard a voice in my head.
'Don't make me mad, Luce.' It said.
"I-I.... do-" I was interrupted.
"WAIT!" I recognised that voice.


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