Chapter 20

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(A/N): Hey guys, this is the LAST CHAPTER OF DRAGON MATING SEASON!!! There won't be an epilogue, but I have already planned out a book 2, so I'll write that sometime soon.

Enjoy the final chapter ☆彡

(Lucy's POV)

You'll never guess what! Juvia and Levy have both given birth! Of course, I'm still waiting on this stupid baby; it doesn't want to leave me!

Juvia had a boy who's called Storm, and Levy gave birth to a girl, who's called Mizuki.

"Hey Luce!" Natsu yelled. "Is the baby out yet!?"
"No Natsu," I sighed. "It's still there."
"Well when's it gonna come out!?" He put his hands on his hips, staring at my rounded stomach.
"I don't know." I replied.

"Let's go to the guild." I smiled, getting up off the sofa. Natsu immediately jumped up to help me.
"I'm not an old lady, Natsu." I smirked.
"I know, I-I just don't want you hurting yourself." He scratched the back of his neck.
"You shouldn't worry about me too much, I'll be fine." And off we went.

We walked slowly to the guild. Natsu had offered to carry me several times, and I declined, several times.
"It'll be faster if I carry you!" He persisted.
"I don't want to look like I can't use my own legs though." I argued.

We got to the guild and were greeted by some of the guild mates.
"That thing still there?" Levy asked me, gesturing to my belly.
"Yep." I sighed. "It's a pain."
"Do you know what you're gonna call it?" She questioned.
"If it's a boy I call dibs on Igneel!" Natsu yelled. Ignoring him, I answered the question.
"I think, maybe Luke for a boy, or Nashi for a girl." I smiled.

"How's Mizuki?" I asked her.
"She's over with Gajeel." Levy pointed over to the iron dragon slayer. "You can go see her if you want."

By this point, Natsu had gotten bored with baby talk and went to go pick a fight with Gray, so I went over to Gajeel to see the baby Mizuki.

"She's so cute." I smiled, looking down at the baby girl.
"I know." Gajeel huffed. "Because she's Levy's child."
"Can I hold her?" I asked.
"Okay, but if you drop her you're dead meat. Got it, Bunny-Girl?"
"Hehe.. Yep." I laughed awkwardly.

I picked up the small baby and cradled her in my arms. Mizuki had Gajeel's thick, black hair and deep red eyes, but she was small, like Levy, and they had the same nose.

"You done?" Gajeel huffed again. I nodded and handed her back.
"Is she well behaved?" I asked.
"Anything but." Gajeel moaned. "She's a nightmare."
"But then I wouldn't expect anything less from a Redfox." Levy interrupted, walking up to us from behind.


"LUCE!" Natsu yelled, running over. "How about we go on a job?"
"Can't it wait a few days Natsu?" I groaned.
"We're all outta money." Happy interrupted. "We need the jewels."
"F-fish..." Natsu mumbled, quivering if fear.

"Lucy, calm down." Mira sighed. "It won't be good for the baby."
"You're right," I sighed.
"S-sorry, Luc-" I interrupted Natsu.
"It's okay, just go on a job without me. I won't die with you not here." I smiled.
"Alright, cya!" He and Happy waved goodbye and ran off.


It's been at least 3 hours since Natsu and Happy went on the job, and they haven't retired yet.
"Lu-chan," Levy began. "Everyone's leaving now, do you want me to walk you back?"
"No, I'm fine." I reassured her. "I'll walk by myself."
"Are you sure?"
"Yep. I'll see you tomorrow."

I was ambling down the streets of Magnolia to my house, amber street lamps lighting the way.
"I wonder how Natsu is." I asked myself. "It might actually be nice to sleep by myself for once."

Suddenly, I felt a small kick on my stomach.
"Yikes, that hurt." I sighed. Then it happened again, harder this time.

Hold on, these weren't kicks.

The baby's coming.

I fell to the floor in agony. What am I going to do? It hurts, no-one is here. Breathe in, breathe out, try to calm down.

"LUCE!" It was Natsu. He was running down the street with Happy flying alongside him.
"We need to get you to a hospital." He picked me up bridal style and carried me through the night.

Most of the 'giving birth' part was just a blur really. I remember a lot of pain, the midwife saying "Keep pushing!" And Natsu was holding my hand, telling me everything would be okay.

The pain stopped and a faint cry was heard.
"It's a girl!" The midwife smiled.
"Looks like it can't be called Igneel then." I teased, looking at Natsu. He was sulking, although when I asked him about it, he said he wasn't.
"Can I hold her?" I asked.
"Of course." I was handed the small girl and I cradled her in my arms.

"She looks exactly like you." Natsu smiled.
"She has your pink hair too." I laughed.
"Hey!" He pouted. "It's salmon!"
"Well, I think she looks like a Nashi," I suggested. "What do you think?"
"Yeah. It sounds like the girl version of Natsu!" He smirked.

So me and Natsu lived out our lives happily ever after with our beautiful baby Nashi.

HAHAHAHA! Oh I'm such a joker.

Sayōnara! (For now)

Thanks for reading (≧∇≦)

Word Count: 921

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