Chapter 3

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(Levy's POV)

"I have to tell Master!" I yelled. "Mating Season starts tomorrow!"
"Levy..I" Gajeel started. "Those stomach cramps you were talking about.... umm..."
"You got them, huh?" I asked.
"Yeah, but they went when I saw you."

Those words hit me like a rock.

"Haha, good one." I laughed, slapping his arm playfully. There's no way in hell my crush likes me back.
"Shrimpy. I'm being serious." He grabbed my wrist and stared me in the eyes.
"Does this mean your my...mate?" Gajeel asked. I nodded in reply.
"Sweet!" He yelled, letting go of my wrist and pulling me into a short side hug. "I'm glad I didn't end up with someone weird!"

I don't think he gets it.

"Gajeel, will you get Natsu, Laxus and Wendy and bring them to Master's office. I'll get Lucy, Mira and Romeo." I ordered.
"Sure thing Shrimpy." He replied.


(Natsu's POV)

"Stop stripping you poser!" I yelled at Gray.
"You're just jealous!" He replied, smirking.
"Oh yeah!?" I stood up angrily. "Why would I be jealous of someone who can't even throw a punch!?"
"Oh you wanna go!?"
"Try me!" I threatened.

"Natsu!" I heard Gajeel say.
"What? You want some too!?" I yelled back. He only smirked.
"Have you seen Lucy around?" He asked. Suddenly I felt that sharp pain in my stomach again and I began to panic.
"Where is she!?" I yelled.
"Gramps office."
"I'm coming Luce!" I cried.


(Lucy's POV)

"I'm coming Luce!" Natsu cried.
"Oh god no..." I mumbled to myself. I was in Master Makarov's office with Levy, Mira, Wendy, Romeo and Laxus, when the door suddenly burst open to reveal a panicking Natsu.
"LUCE!" He yelled, embracing me in a tight hug.
"N-Natsu....I c-can't....breathe!"
"Oh, sorry Luce." He mumbled. Gajeel walked in behind Natsu and closed the door.

"So Master, why are we here?" Mira asked.
"Levy has something extremely important to tell you all." Master said.

So Levy told us everything she had read and I felt my jaw drop.

"So that's why my tummy was hurting!" Wendy giggled.
"That's why I felt strange..." Laxus mumbled.
"OmgICan'tBelieveMyOTP'sAreFinallyGonnaGetTogetherThisIsSoKawaii..." Mira said fangirling in the corner.

"Close your mouth Luce you'll catch flies." Natsu said, closing my mouth with his index finger.
"Did you just hear a word of what Levy just said!?" I yelled at him.
"Yeah, something about dragons, sore stomachs, you being my mate..." He whispered the last part in my ear seductively. It made me shiver.

"Well, we can't have this happening at the guild!" Master yelled. "I'm afraid that Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus and Wendy are going to have to be locked away until the season is over."
"WHAT!?" The four of them yelled.
"Wait a minute!" Levy said, reading the book. "There's more in the back!"

"The more powerful the Dragon Slayer, the more..seductive..they will be. Also, they'll feel more pain when their 'mate' is gone and will be more aroused when their 'mate' is nearby. They'll feel more need to protect their 'mate' and they'll feel more desperate to be around them." Levy read aloud.

Everyone turned to look at Natsu.
"What?" He asked innocently, his dense brain obviously not understanding a word Levy just said.

"Basically you're gonna be locked away to keep Lucy safe." Mira explained.
"WHAA!?" He yelled.


(Levy's POV)

"No!" Natsu yelled. "You can't do this! I need to protect Luce!" Erza, Gray and Elfman were pushing him into the prison cell, handcuffing him to the wall.

"Quit your whining Flame Brain." Gray cursed.
"Lucy is in safe hands, don't worry." Erza reassured.
"Just take it like a MAN!" Elfman yelled.

"Luce?" Natsu called. She was standing by the door next to me.
"Don't worry Natsu, I'll come to visit you every day." She smiled.
"B-but..." I interrupted him.
"Natsu, if you're allowed to roam freely you'll hurt Lucy, if you want to protect her, stay here." I said sternly. I saw a tear fall down his cheek as the three wizards left the cell.

"Luce..." He said as the door closed.

I didn't tell them about what happens to the male Dragon Slayers. I was scared as to how everyone would react.

Are Natsu, Gajeel and Laxus really going to die?

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