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I stared at the clock on the wall above me, tapping my pencil on the desk repeatedly. It was 6th period Civics and I was ready to get the hell out of here, it's Friday and I have plans. Hopefully.

I looked around the classroom at nothing in particular for a couple of more minutes until the bell finally rang. Everyone was cramming and crowding around the door trying to get out as usual so I waited until it was clear.

I walked out into the crowded hall way as everyone started towards their lockers, stuffing books in, and clearing out, as I got to my locker I heard the most beautiful voice ring in my ear.

"Hey Jacob. How was class," I turned to see the one and only beauty. Haven.

"The usual, you know boring and slow." I replied while putting in my lock combination, and stuffing my books into my locker.

"Really, that sucks. I kinda like Civics." She said in a matter of fact way.

"Well maybe you should pretend to be me while I just roam around the earth. Boom. Easy A." I flashed her my award winning smile.

"Uh-uh, whatever Jacob." She said smiling a little.

Perfect. Just perfect.

"So uh listen Haven, the carnival is back in town-"

"Oh yeah the one that's on the old fairgrounds," she asked. "I've always wanted to go to it but I always miss it." she pouted.

"Yeah, I wanted to know, you know, if you wanted to go to the carnival.. with me," I asked rubbing the back of my neck.

"Are you serious, what about Jewel," she asked.

"What about her? Look, I promise she won't be a problem to either of us."

"Well it's just two friends hanging out right, i'm sure it means no harm. We hang out all the time anyways." She shrugged.

"Yeah, just two friends. Hanging out." I lied, I wanted to be more than friends.

"I better get going before Lyric has a fit about me keeping her waiting." She started walking towards the double doors to leave.

"Hey, 7:30." I yelled at her.

She turned around and started walking backwards, "7:30" she yelled back and turned back around, disappearing seconds later.

I smiled to myself, closing my locker and putting my forehead on it.

Did I really just ask her out?


It was now 5:30 and I was sitting down talking with Nirvana, Ki, and Lyric in my bedroom.

My room was just a regular room with a bathroom attached to it, blue color walls, posters hung up on the wall along with some peace signs and some pictures of me, family, and some friends.

"So where are you guys going," Nirvana asked.

"We're just going to hang out at the carnival that they just put up, nothing special." I replied.

"Yeah right, knowing Jacob he'll just charm his way into your heart." Lyric said as she played in her curly hair.

"I don't see what the big deal is, we're just hanging out like we always do." I threw my hands up in a confused way as I walked inside my closet.

"Yeah, you guys have been hanging out a lot more than usual." Nirvana said.

"I'm not saying nothing, because I ain't got nothing to do with it." Kiara said.

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