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"Lyric, mija. It's time to wake up." My mom said shaking me awake.

"Five more minutes." I mumbled and rolled over, pulling my blankets up over my head.

"Come on baby, it's time to get up, you're graduating today. You should be excited." She cheered as she rubbed then patted my back.

She waited for me to stir a little bit to see if I was getting up and then she stood up impatiently,

"Alright then, stay in bed and be late to your own graduation but don't say that I didn't wake you!" She stormed out of my room.

"Ay, mami okay, Por qué estás enojado." I scoffed.

I got out of bed and headed to my bathroom to take a shower and do my other hygiene stuff. I glanced into the big square mirror that had bright circle bulb lights surrounding it and then turned the shower on.

Stepping into the lukewarm water, I let out a sigh of relief and let the water hit me. As I relaxed I started to daydream, thinking about life and what I wanted to do in the next few months before i'm off to college. I want to travel.

Thinking about all the places I could go, I heard a soft knock on the door.

"I'll be right out mami." I said.

"Your mom wanted me to tell you that breakfast was ready." Jaden replied.

"Oh! I thought you were my mom, i'll be out in a minute." I yelled over the water.

"Don't be too long, we have to get to the school early Lyric. We can't be late or they won't let us walk across the stage." Jaden said.

"Alright, alright," I turned off the water and grabbed my green towel off of the counter, "I don't know why everyone's down my back already." I said as I opened the bathroom door and walked into my room.

"It's only because we love you LC, you should be thankful that you have people like us in your life to keep you focused and sane." Jaden smiled and gave me a peck on the lips.

"Sane my ass. Now go before my mom catches you in here." I shooed him off into the hallway.

I walked over to my walk-in closet and picked out my graduation out to wear under my gown. I picked out all black hammer time pants, a short sleeve crop top with my back out with black and beige zigzags over it, with my BAIT nude shiny beige wedges. I wanted to be cute and casual but not too dressy.

I lotioned up my body and put my clothes on. After I went into my bathroom and started to do loose curls on my head. After thirty minutes of curling my hair I grabbed my makeup bag and took out my eyeliner and drew a little wing on both of my eyes, I applied two coats falsies volume mascara onto my eyelashes, and then I grabbed my red MAC lipstick and applied it onto my soft and plumped lips to top off my look.

I took one more look into the mirror to make sure my makeup was on point and that both my boobs and butt looked nice and plumped as well. I kissed my mirror to add to my collection of different colored kisses and grabbed my phone and my small coin purse with a silver chain attached to it, I grabbed my wedges to put them on.

"Maricella! Maricella, come quick!" I heard my mother yell from downstairs.

I looked at my door in shock as my heart began to race and I quickly put my shoes on and grabbed my phone just in case anything happened. I ran downstairs as fast as I could.

"What's happened, what's wrong mo-" That's when I seen him.

"Daddy." I whispered and stared at him in shock and disbelief.

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