I Promise.

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        I don't know what's worse. Seeing the love of my life hurt or not being able to help her. To see her in so much pain and regret was ripping my heart right out of my chest. 

        It felt like a thousand knives stabbing at my heart as I sat and watched her cry herself to sleep. We had just gotten back to the house and all she wanted to do was get away from everyone. I stood in the doorway with my arms across my chest as I watched her body move up and down from her breathing.

        She was snuggled up under the covers as her hair was sprawled out over the pillows. She had a box a tissues beside her and a glass of water on the nightstand. 

        It was hurting me as I watched her soundlessly sleep, I wanted nothing more than to just walk over there and carress her cheek with my hand. I wanted to comfort her, hug her, and tell her how much I love her. But, she wouldn't even let me touch her, let alone look at her. She felt disgusting, at least that's what she told me.

        I came back to reality when I saw her stir in the bed and whimper, as if she almost started to cry. I immediately rushed to her side, reaching to run my fingers through her hair but quickly pulled it back.

                "Is everything okay?" I asked.

                "I keep thinking about his hands on me, the way he destroyed my body." She sniffed, "I can't get the feeling of him off of me."

        I did the only thing that I could do. 

        I sniffed and I turned my head away from her, wiping away the tears that were falling down my face. "Can I lay with you?" I asked.

        She lifted up in the bed and placed her soft hand on my cheek and turned my face towards her. "Please." She said.

        I got underneath the covers and wrapped my arms around her, nuzzling my face into her neck.

        "I missed you so much." I brought my hand up and placed it on her stomach. She sucked in her breath at my touch and turned around to face me.

        "I'm sorry." The tears ran down her cheeks.

        "For what?" I asked.

        "For putting you through all of this, for putting our baby in danger." She sniffed.

        "Please stop crying." I wiped her tears away with the pad of my thumb, "None of this is your fault, none of it. I should be the one to apologize, i'm so selfish." I brought her chin up to look at me. "I should've thought about your feelings and how you felt. I never took any of that into consideration. I was such a jerk and an idiot, I should've never treated you that way. You deserve way better than that, and I promise that's exactly what i'm going to give you and our baby, nothing but the best. Okay?" 

        She smiled that gorgeous smile of hers that i've been dying to see, the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy at this moment, I wanted this moment to last forever, "Okay." She finally said.

        I leaned down to kiss her lips.

        "I. Love. You. So. Much." I said in between kisses.

        "I love you too." She laughed.

        "And I promise, whoever did this to you is gonna pay."


        "Alright." Dr. Warren said as she sat down on a stool. "I wanted you guys to come in so I can check up on the baby, to see if everything is functioning correctly and that it's still healthy." 

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