Friendships and Alcohol

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I sat on the bed as my blood flowed through a tube into multiple vials

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I sat on the bed as my blood flowed through a tube into multiple vials.

Dr. Erskine's death played in my head. I felt terrible that I couldn't save him. Of all the people that had to die because of me, he was the last one I wanted.

But the rush I got chasing his killer. The feeling of running through the streets at new speeds was exhilarating. Even jumping from the roofs of automobiles was an unbelievable feeling. My adrenaline had never thrummed in my veins as much as it did then. But crashing through the window of a store was a clear sign that I still needed to get a handle on the new "me".

I rolled my sleeve down after the nurse pulled the tube out and covered the point of extraction. "I think you got enough," I grumbled.

Agent Peggy Carter stood before me, a file clutched close to her chest. "Any hope of reproducing a program is locked in your genetic code. But without Dr. Erskine, it will take years."

I stood and looked out the window, gazing at the workshop below. "He deserved better than this."

Peggy flipped through the pages of the file. "If it could only work once, he'd be proud it was you."

I turned to her, and she looked up at me. I saw sincerity in her eyes, though I also saw a coldness behind them; the eyes of an agent.

She led me downstairs to the workshop to wait for orders. I watched as Colonel Phillips led Senator Brandt around the submarine I had captured after the doctor's killer—that German bastard—committed suicide via cyanide. He took the coward's route to Hell, and it angered me.

"Spoke to the president this morning," Phillips announced. "As of today the SSR is being re-tasked."

"Colonel?" Peggy questioned.

"We are taking the fight to HYDRA. Pack your bags, Agent Carter." He turned to Mr. Stark who was examining the sub. "You too, Stark. You're flying to London tonight."

I meant what I said when I told Peggy that Dr. Erskine deserved better. I wasn't going to let whoever did this to him get away with it. If it was this HYDRA, then I was going to make them pay.

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