The Needs Of The Many

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Spring eased into the Highlands

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Spring eased into the Highlands. I welcomed the warmer weather like a long awaited hug. I loved walking through the forests of the MacKenzie land, seeing flowers at full bloom and adventurous animals escaping into the light for the first time in months. And, most importantly, I liked the warm rain.

A thunderstorm hit Castle Mackenzie on a warm spring day. I stood outside. My hair clung to me like a long lost friend. The warm crystal droplets caressed my skin and dampened my clothes as I stared out at everything I used to love. I looked to the sky. My eyelids fluttered to deflect the water. I did nothing but stand there and let my body and mind be enveloped by the tears of thunder.

"Things didn't need to go this far, you know."

I sighed. "I know. You do not have to remind me, Eilian."

He stood next to me as the warm rain fell peacefully. He was right. I was now married to a tyrant. I was miserable. It brought me back to the days before I received my powers. And it terrified me.

But I had no choice! If I didn't marry Dougal, he threatened to torture Henry until I agreed. I was willing to give up my own happiness for my love's life. And that was what I did. But I did not expect Eilian to understand.

"So, Audra MacKenzie" he began, my alias spoken with venom. "How's married life serving you?"

I gave him the most brutal look I could muster.

He smirked. "That bad, huh?" He gave me an icy look. "Why did you do it, Andi? What does this achieve?"

I stared at him. I was broken. I was in a position I did not want to be in. "I did it to protect the innocent."

"Henry Glenn?" His expression was as cold and hard as stone. "You need to get a grip. Fast. You need to stop screwing around and get the job done."

I scowled. "Excuse me?"

"There is no time for this!" he snarled. "We have a job to do. We have innocents to protect, and you're playing wife?"

"It is called immersion, Eilian. You should try it."

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