The Battle of New York

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Loki had obviously planned this out well

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Loki had obviously planned this out well. So it was frightening. The Chitauri had one order: destroy. And that was exactly what they did.

The flying dinosaur-like creature few right over our heads. It's flanks sparked suddenly, and Chitauri soldiers with grappling cables attached exploded out to land on the sides of buildings.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asked in awe.

"I'm seeing," I heard Tony reply through my earpiece. "Still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"


"Just keep me posted."

"Move!" Natasha screamed.

Energy gunfire blasted nearby, sending us running for cover behind cabs. Explosions around us shoved my senses into survival mode—I saw complete destruction, I heard screams of distress, I could smell smoke, my hands were clammy.

"We've got civilians trapped," Barton notified.

As soon as the archer said that, a group of Chitauri with Loki in the lead began blasting a street. My eyes widened. There were civilians still trying to escape!

I created a portal nearby and pushed myself to my feet. Steve's gloved hand gripped my arm. "Be careful, Andi!"

"You be careful!" I countered with ferocious determination and ripped my arm away.

I charged through the portal. As I came out the other side, I was faced with a torrent of explosions and fire. Civilians screamed and scattered. I couldn't save them all in real time. I needed everything to slow down.

I held out my hand. A golden ring blasted out of my palm. Everything it passed slowed down. People ran in slow motion. Fire curled sluggishly. Smoke drifted leisurely. But nothing had stopped. I frowned. How come nothing stopped? Why didn't anything stop?!

I didn't have time to question. If things were moving slowly, the danger was still moving. I needed to get everyone to safety.

I dashed around the civilians and directed them towards the portal. And then time snapped into the present suddenly. I didn't command it so. What was happening to me?

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