Extra #2

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I loved going to the park

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I loved going to the park. It was a safe haven for me. Even with the horrors of war ripe in my mind, it all fell away when I sat on a park bench with a beautiful view.

And then an equally beautiful sight sat next to me. Her scent wafted into my nostrils, and it was intoxicating. I loved it.

"Hello, Steve," she greeted.

"Hi, Peggy."

There was a moment of comfortable silence between us as we watched the goings-on in the park before us.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Being the only Super Soldier has helped the war," I replied. "I've been told I've turned the tide in our favour."

"You have. Without you, we would not have captured as many HYDRA bases." She smiled warmly. "And rescued as many hostages and civilians."

I couldn't hide my smile. Peggy didn't compliment me much, so I was going to relish the moment as much as I could.

"So," she said. "You've been spending a lot of time with another agent it seems."

"Andi? Oh, uh, yeah. She's great." I grinned. "She's like no other girl I've ever met."

I noticed that Peggy looked uncomfortable. "You like her, don't you?"

"Of course I like her," I admitted. I turned to her. "As a very good friend. Nothing more." I looked away. "Besides. I have eyes for someone else."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Peggy smile sheepishly. And we sat there in silence.

❈Author's Note: Hey, there!

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Author's Note: Hey, there!

This chapter is dedicated to my fellow Marvel addict Nooty! With her obsession with Agent Peggy Carter thrown at me like a brick all the time, it was obvious that this extra had to be dedicated to her! XD

Please do check out her Marvel fic Eunoia. I highly recommend it; it's pretty awesome! Thanks for being a loyal reader, Noots! #MarvelSquad!

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