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Well, I won't have time to update my fanfic throughout this year, cuz of O level examination, though I can't really feel the pressure cuz 1. I simply don't care. 2. Well, it's just an exam. 3. Meh. Or maybe I'm just too stressed to feel stress, or maybe all of the above.

My grades aren't that good either. I just finished mother tongue paper 1 and paper 2 a few days ago... Well, can't say I tried my best for Paper 2, since I kinda got bored during Paper 2 and started daydreaming. I kinda randomly guessed the MCQ questions too, cuz I just couldn't be bothered to read the question... Yup... I'm just that lazy... My grades are probably gonna be bad... But... I'm still gonna pass anyway... Hopefully a B... 

I'm really stressed about my Art O levels now, so I probably won't be updating anything till I officially finish all important things to do on my list. I'm one of the slowest students who still haven't finished an A2 size board, while others have at least completed 2-4 boards. Another friend is almost done too... And another... They're really good at drawing!!!! I draw too slowly... and my concepts hard to explain to others, though I can explain it in my mind... And whatever I'm trying to show through my drawings is hard to decipher, at least thats what my peers told me...

Well... I have to complete 8 boards by this month, and I still haven't even finish a board. After that I still have 30 days to complete my final work... I still don't know what to do... Too many things to do... I should have done an easier idea... But at that time, I couldn't think of anything but my current concept... so yeah... 

And I still have my studies to focus on... my Elementary maths... I'm trying to pass it... but I just suck at Maths. I already dropped Additional Mathermatics... But I just detest maths... And I still Have POA to worry about... Principle of Accounting... I know I'm just a 16 year old here. Most of you wouldn't believe that I took Accounting, but believe me, my school has these courses... Economics, Principle of Accounting, and Pure History... I should have chosen Economics or Pure History... Cuz I'm more of a language and words person... But guess why I chose Accounting?! Cuz last time I was obsessed with Ouran High school Host club manga... I got the whole set except for volume one... And I saw that Ootori Kyoya was taking Accounting, so I thought, why not? And decided to try it out... It is really easy... Pretty much common sense, but even though I understood almost everything, I just couldn't answer the questions given. Because most of the questions are practical questions... I have to draw out the T account, then do the cash book, Bank recon, know what source documents and all the stuff are... I just don't understand what I'm supposed to apply...

Well, as for science... Biology is okay I guess, as long as I bother to study for it... But as for Chemistry, I just absolutely detest my teacher. She is a .... nevermind. I just zone out during lessons and well, I got straight zeros for all my tests. Gotta believe me, not all teachers who qualify as teachers can teach.

... As for this fanfic, I'm planning to edit the whole thing again. Something just don't sit well with me. I just read a few amazing fanfics on Well, plus I really want my fanfic to be read smoothly, as in, really smoothly... So I decided to try to edit the whole thing from the start, so yeah... Sorry for ranting... As you can see, my grades ain't great, and yet I can't be bothered, only stressed out by art. Since I only like Art... and english. Well... See you readers at maybe... the end of the year? Unless I can squeeze in time to pop by to edit or type a little... Though I'm already almost done with the next chapter...

Until then~

With loads of love[maybe],

Kisaragi Marru

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