the boy who lived with a horrible name

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the boy who lived..... with a horrible name

Seriously, who names their kid Farkle?

But I mean I guess every name sounded weird at first.

Anyway, this kid is great.

With his mom being a writer for like 7 broadway plays, it must run in the family to tell over dramatic stories, and boy did this kid get the best out of those genes.

Farkle was the savior and comic relief of our friend group and if anything was ever wrong, he would go out of his way to relate our situation to something scientific, and because none of us understood what the hell he was saying, by the time he was finished explaining it, we would always laugh. But I would never ever forget the day that Farkle started acting like someone he definitely wasn't.

It was January second, and the previous day's events were unforgettable, and not exactly in a good way. Farkle had held a New Years party at his pent house, one that he was at first opposed to, but with friends as persistent and convincing as Maya Hart and Riley Matthews, it was said to have been the biggest party of the school year.

But now here we were, sitting in the cafeteria of Abigail Adams High, with a silence upon our table. As I said, usually when we were in a situation like this, Farkle would be laughing and trying to get us all to be happy, and eventually Riley would chime in, giving us all no choice but to smile alone with her. Today however, there was no enthusiastic Farkle to bring us up beat. I watched him curiously as he ate his food in silence, only looking up to stare at someone on the other side of the cafeteria, or to look at Maya and Riley.

I asked him if he was okay only to receive a nod and a lame excuse like, "I'm just worried about the calculus test. Nothing's wrong."

"Is this about the party?" I asked.

"Why would you think that?"

"Because what else would it be. Farkle it's fine. It's over and it's not like you got any bad reputation for it. You should be the one person at this table not worried about it."

He looked over at Maya again, and being the selfish person I was at the time, I remember thinking to myself, 'I'm pretty sure my party experience was way worse than yours. Farkle, you have nothing to be angry about.'

Little did I know then, that in the circumstances, he was actually being perfectly calm.

First chapter: rewritten. Only 500 words, couldn't think of how to begin it. Gets soooo much better around chapter 2/3 so keep reading!!!

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