Falling Victim

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Before I even realized I had fallen asleep on Farkle's couch, I was woken up by him lifting the pillow out from under my head.
"Lucas move I think you're laying on my headphones," he said.

Looking out the window to see the dark city sky, I asked, "What time is it?" in a half asleep manner.

"Like," he looked at his phone in his hand. "6:43, now can I check under you?"

"What?" I exclaimed, suddenly wide awake and sitting up. "It's 6:43 and you didn't wake me up yet? You're already dressed!"

"Yeah speaking of which there should be some of your clothes that you left here last time in that gym bag by the door. Aha!" He said, pulling out white wired headphones from between the couch cushions. "Got em."

"Farkle you're leaving in two minutes how am I supposed to get ready in time." I asked, extremely annoyed at the whole situation.

"Get ready for what," he asked with a sarcastic look on his face. "It's not like they're going to let you into the school."

"They didn't suspend me Farkle I still have to go. We have a History quiz today," I responded.

"They didn't suspend you?" He asked.

"No they just said that I, quote, 'Lost my parking privileges'"

He looked at me with a smile. "Lucas you rarely ever drive to school,"

"Yeah, exactly."

"So let me get this straight," He said while stuffing notebooks into his backpack. "You sent another student to the hospital, and they took away your parking spot, but they forgot to suspend you?"

"What if they didn't though," I wondered, concern in my voice. "What if I'm supposed to go and now I'm going to be late and I don't have anything with me."

"Lucas, would you even want to go to school today. I mean even if you did there's no way I would let you. No offense, but your still kind of unstable and that bruise on your face isn't that appealing."

I furrowed my eyebrows and touched my face to realize that sure enough, James had gotten a good hit in on the left side of my jaw.

"Are you staying here or are you going home?" Farkle questioned walking out the door of his bedroom.

My stomach growled. "Do you care if I eat here then go home?"

"Lucas does it look like you eating a bowl of my cereal is going to send us into starvation? Do whatever you want, but leave your phone on." He said pointing to my phone the way my mom would. "Bye."

Before I could even respond, he was running down the hall and down the stairs, racing to catch the 6:54 train.

After plugging my phone in and texting my mom, I quickly ran to the Minkus' kitchen to pour a bowl of Cheerios and went back up to Farkle's room so as to avoid an awkward meeting with Stuart Minkus, who would without a doubt be concerned to see a highschooler with a bruised face eating his food at a time when his own son was already at school.

As hungry as I was, the searing pain in my jaw made eating a bowl of cereal way harder than it should have been, and after my frustration gradually got worse, I put the half eaten bowl down and decided to take a shower instead.

I grabbed the clothes from my forgotten gym bag, and headed into the bathroom, and immediately stopped when I saw my reflection. The day before, I didn't feel a single hit, but now an annoyingly noticeable bruise was proof that I wasn't indestructible.

"At least it's not swolen," I said out loud before getting into the shower.

As the water hit my back in an unfamiliarly uncomfortable way, I noticed more and more consequences of what I had done. Each time I thought I had counted the last of the injuries, I felt another, and before long I was so overwhelmed that I had to lean against the wall for support. These bruises were nothing. Maya's were worse. She didn't have a defense- I did. I was in pain- she was being tortured. Of corse the bystanders of my scenario wouldn't know that. They learned who I really was and they'll all hate me for it. More guys my age will talk about it like I won an olympic medal. Some'll try to see if they can beat the champion. Girls like Riley won't ever see me the same. Teachers will see me as a charity case. They'll expect something from me that they didn't before. That's the way it always goes. And that's what I deserve, because despite how much James fucking deserved what came to him, and more, I took it too far, too fast. He ruined her, and I ruined myself.

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