The Aftermath At Farkle's

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For whatever reason, the expert psychiatrists of Abigail Adams High School decided for me that I was unkempt to drive myself home, and that the best temporary punishment would be the revocation of my, and I quote, "privilege to park on school property."
I was immediately relieved when I heard this. On previous occasions, I had been punished on the spot, but this was different. They didn't know what to do with me, and for once I considered that a good thing- for now.

"Lucas Friar," the principle said as he walked into the room. "your mother is here and she will be taking you home in a few minutes. We need to sort some stuff out first." He then directed his attention to the teacher joining us in the small office. "Mr. Matthews," he nodded before looking at both of us then leaving.

"Is all the same stuff happening to James?" I wondered aloud.

Mr. Matthews sighed and sat at the desk, picking up a ceramic duck, obviously made by a student, that sat on top of a pile of papers.

"James had to go to the hospital. He has a mild concussion, but he'll be fine, according to school records he's prone to those." I snorted at this information, and Mr. Matthews, while I could tell he tried to be serious suppressed a sarcastic smile as well. "But," he continued, "he's still getting the same punishment as you."

"Didn't realize James was on probation," I replied sarcastically.

There was a pause for a moment. "Lucas," he continued, "I know barely anything about this, really, but I'll talk to your PO. I'm sure we can get this all settled out."

I smiled at the floor, thinking about how Riley's trademark optimism was undoubtedly hereditary. "Thank you sir," I said. "but it doesn't work that way."

With that my mom came to the door, and Mr. Matthews got up from the desk and smiled at her. 
"You're a great kid Lucas, you were raised right and i know you know that. But you've got to learn at some point to control your temper."

My mom silently smiled and gestured for me to get up.  I followed her to the car in silence, and it wasn't until I got to the parking lot and realized that there only remained about a dozen cars, that the school day was long over.

As I sat down in the passenger seat of her car, I pulled out my phone to which she grabbed it from me and uncharacteristically threw it on the ground of the back seat.

"What the actual hell Lucas!" She screamed.  "You know all the things we did for you? You know all the things I did for you? And you just don't give a fuck do you. You just throw it all away in a high school hallway. What the hell. What was going through your head, boy?"

"I'm sorry mom. I really am I just wasn't thinking-"

"Shut up I don't want to hear a single word from you do you understand? You weren't thinking of course you weren't thinking. Not thinking is not an excuse. Not thinking is what idiot do and it's what gets people like you in jail, okay? I threw my life away for you, you know that? Your entire family back home lost you because you just don't think in situations like this!"
I couldn't look her in the eye but I knew well enough that she was tearing up.
"God damnit you threw your own life away doing stuff like this Lucas. How do you think this is going to look for you, fighting while on probation. This was supposed to change you Lucas- New York was supposed to be a place to start over and here we are. I thought things were going to be different." she paused for a long enough time that I thought she was finished completely until she said, "Now how am I supposed to even know."

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