Do I Want To Know

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Do I Wanna Know

There are so many things in life that you wish you could un-see. Like watching videos of Isis prisoners get tortured, or watching the men and women jump out of the world trade center looking for a faster way to death. Of corse, unseeing things would only benefit you. There would still be terrorists destroying people, you just wouldn't know about it. So it's best to see the most you can, no matter how much you want to stay blind.

I went back to school about two weeks after the crash, and three days before February vacation.

Since I wasn't supposed to look at any screens the whole time I was out, I hadn't been able to catch up with anything. And there was a lot to catch up with.

"Hey!" Was the first thing I was greeted with as I walked into school that Wednesday.

"Hey Riley," I replied hugging her.

"You're back! Are you alright?" She asked.

"You're alive!" Farkle said walking up behind her.

"Um yeah. It was just someone sliding into the back of me, nothing dramatic." I said.

We turned around and started walking to our lockers.

"Well it didn't seem that way the way Maya put it." Riley said.

"What? How did she put it?"

She paused and looked around as if to make sure nosy people weren't eavesdropping, but everyone was engrossed in their own drama.

"She told me that your truck got totaled and that you were unconscious. That's all she really said about it. I think she's kinda shook up cause she's been quiet since and missed almost a whole week afterwords. She said she got really bad whiplash too." Riley explained.

I looked at her and then at Farkle, but he seemed to be lost in thought.

"Oh my god. I feel bad I haven't even been able to talk to her," I said.

"See if you can. She's acting weird, even around me. Says that she's tired but I don't know. I know you guys kinda hate each other but I can tell she feels bad."

I smiled. "Thanks Riles."

We had study hall that day, which was good for me cause I needed a break from thinking. Farkle was the first one in the library, sitting in his usual spot at our booth. He laughed looking at his phone before I sat down.

"Oooh, who's that?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"What?" He said, putting the phone away. "No one."

"Um hm. Sure."

He laughed and told me to shut up and mind my own business (jokingly of corse). Then he blinked and became the serious person he's been lately.

He looked at me and sighed.

"If you don't want to talk about this I get it, you can go back to making fun of me for having a crush, but what happened with you and Maya the day of the crash." He asked.

I knew he knew about what ever was wrong with Maya, and if he was asking me, then she must have told him something, or nothing at all.

I sighed. "There's something going on with her. Something serious, and I know you know what it is."

He looked at me with a sad look on his face.
"What do you know?" He asked.

"I know that she's pretending everything is alright and I know that she's a horrible actor."

"Lucas, I know you care and all, but some things are better left alone. She's going through a lot." He checked his phone then sighed. "She said you guys got in a fight right before you got hit."

"She's just keeping everything in side of her and she shouldn't have to-"

"She's Maya and shes tough, but just don't bring it up again. Besides, seeing you in the crash got her more shaken up."

At this point, it was obvious that whatever was going on had nothing do to with Farkle. It was way more serious than that.

Then he said, "Lucas, what I'm about to tell you, you can't tell anyone, okay? Dont tell Riley and don't tell Maya I told you."

He gave me a warning, but nothing he said could have prepared me for the news he bared.

"I don't know what happened that night," he said, "but the day after the crash she called me. She almost killed herself Lucas."

My stomach dropped.

"I know that it had nothing to do with that little crash, don't worry," Farkle continued, "but she was talking about how you smashed your head and how your nose was bleeding and I guess she was so overwhelmed about the fight and she was worried you'd found out, and she just freaked out. Got pretty bad whiplash too. All those factors left her at home for a week with too much to think about."

I couldn't even process anything. But what I did process took me aback.

"She didn't get whiplash," I said.


"I remember, I thought it was going to be a head on crash so I guess on instinct I pinned her to the seat with my arm. There's no way she could've gotten whiplash bad enough to be out for that long. It must have been something else. " I said.

"But she said she was in the hos- Oh no." he then muttered something that I'm pretty sure was 'God Damnit'

Then she walked in. Farkle pulled out his phone and put on a smile that was pretending to be the one he wore when I first walked in, but I was too dazed and confused to do anything.

She sat down next to me and grabbed Farkles phone and tried to unlock it while he reached for it back, laughing.
I found it amazing that he could shift gears so fast, however, all I was thinking of was the mischievous blond next to me, so depressed, that she was dead. And how she had always seemed so upbeat and normal, but Riley and I were blind.

"So Huckleberry," She said. "your brain didn't bleed out."

"And yours didn't either, thanks to my heroic gesture." I was trying, trying so hard, to sound normal, to act like they were, to act like it was a normal day, but that one sentence was running through my head over and over
'She almost killed herself Lucas'

I was snapped back into reality when Maya said, "What heroic act? You practically groped me."

'She almost killed herself Lucas'

I looked at her and was trying to come up with a sly remark when Riley walked in.

"Maya, I told you to wait for me," she said, taking her usual seat next to Farkle.

"I would have, but school bathrooms aren't my cup of tea," Maya answered.

I thought back to the day when I found her in the bathroom. I had been so blind then too. I had literally SEEN the answers.

But it wasn't until two nights later that I noticed them

hola! so I never do authors notes so for just this once can you read this one?? Ok so this book isn't getting many reads or comments so can you PLEASE pass it on?
ALso, the next chapter is really harsh and kinda sad so fair warning. TYSM

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