The Longest Day Ever

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The Longest Day Ever

The next monday, I was half nervous and half excited to see Riley again.
Excited cause we could finally be ourselves around each other and get back to being best friends, and nervous for obvious reasons.

But as I was doing homework Sunday night, worrying about the next day, I got a call saying school was canceled due to the snow storm that was supposed to hit Monday morning.

I sighed and the next thing I know, the sun was coming in through my apartment window and my phone was ringing.


"Lucas! How's it going buddy? How's your car! It works in the snow right?" She answered.

"No," was all I said.

Because we lived in the biggest city in the entire country, nobody really had a car. I was probably the only one in our year to have one, and everyone always called me asking for rides and shit. When there was a blizzard, it was even worse.

She said something else but it only sounded like someone was blowing into the microphone of her phone.

"Wait, Maya, are you outside?" I asked her.

"Yes and can you please get that load of metal junk to James's apartment. I'm frozen. Thanks."

"Can't you just take the subway?" I asked.

"Lucas, do me a favor and look outside."

I looked outside.

"See all of that snow?"

I saw all of the snow.

"Now how do you think I can get from here to the subway -without a jacket mind you- without dying."

I sighed. "Why can't you just stay with James until they clear the roads?"

She was quiet for about four seconds, which is a long time for Maya Hart to remain silent.

"Must you know?" she asked, knowing I would say no unless I wanted a beating from her.

"I'll be there in... ugh I'll be there in 10."

"You live like a block over."

"And you just woke me up. Bye," and I hung up.

After taking way too long to get the almost two feet of snow off my windshield, I drove to James's house and saw her sitting on the cleared step of the building.

She jumped in and turned on the radio before putting her hair in a bun.

I said, "'Good morning Lucas!' 'Oh, good morning Maya! How is your day going?' 'Good, thanks for asking!'"

She smiled at me squinting her eyes and said, "Yeah, no."

She was still wearing a snow coated scarf that was getting my seat soaking wet.

"Take your scarf off or buy me new interior."

"Yeah, cause I have money," she scoffed. "So where you wanna go?"

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You have a car, there's nothing to do, and every place is going to be empty. We should take advantage of it."

And of all things I could have said, I said "Ground Zero?"

She looked deep in thought before saying, "Yeah. We should go."

We parked around the corner, afraid at first that the museum would be closed, but the glass doors were unlocked, so we walked into the small information building.

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