Caught In a Landslide No Escape From Reality

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Caught In a Landslide No Escape From Reality

Since the first time i saw her buying someone else's cigarettes at that mini mart, I hadn't been able to even walk near it without wondering about her. So when I had to actually go inside it, at about the same exact time at night i had seen her the first time, every time the bell on the door rang from the wind, i was expecting her to come in, and that the night would be reenacted.

"Just the Advil?" The man behind the counter was the same old man who had sold the pack of Camels to Maya weeks before. It got me thinking about her even more. The man had seemed to know her, or at least seen her enough times to talk to her. Had she come to this place during his shift often? Then i started thinking about the fact that i was thinking about her. For the last week at least, she had been the only thing on my mind. 'The Mystery of Maya Hart' was something i wish i wasn't a part of, but also something i wanted to get more involved in.

I was so close to asking the clerk if he also wanted to sell me some information about her, or even just ask for a pack to see if he would sell them to yet another underaged high schooler. Instead i just walked out, the air getting knocked out of my lungs as i stepped outside.

Then my heart literally stopped, only to continue beating harder and faster.

It was impossible. It was the best and worst coincidence in existence in all of time.

Up ahead, a girl, no taller than five foot two, walked through the night, with long hair whipping in the wind.

But i stopped. It wasn't her. it was only my imagination messing with the fact that this night would be exactly the same as the first night out, had it not been for maya actually not being here.

Still, i stared at the girl growing a larger distance away from me.

I was purely, mentally insane for I shouted her name.

And by some force of whatever great spirit created fate, she turned around, stared at me for a couple of seconds, and then hugged herself and kept walking.

I was stunned. I stayed where I was before jog-walking up to about 20 feet behind her, and called her name again.

This time, she didn't turn around, and I would have thought that maybe it was just another random girl turning around to see what I was shouting at, but I knew. This time, it was her, but instead of tuning around when I called her name, she pulled her hood up and walked faster.

"Maya," I said loud enough for her I hear me.

she said something back, but the wind blew her voice in the other direction.

"Maya!" I yelled at her. I don't know why I was angry, maybe because everything that had happened since new years was built up, but I picked the worst time to let my frustration out.

I grabbed her arm, hard, and she yelled at me.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, please just leave me along, I'm going home."

I was stunned. She was sobbing. I couldn't see her face because she was looking down and there were no lights on around us, but I could tell she was utterly terrified.

But why was she terrified of me?

I pulled her into an embrace and she protested, hitting me, telling me 'please, please', but I said her name again, to her face, and loudly.

She was breathing shakily and looked up at me. I could barely see her face, but her eyes were glowing.

"Luke?" she squeaked. I was stunned, and she looked like she was too.

"Maya what's wrong? What happened?"

I saw her look down then look back up at me as if she had paused time and waited until she was ready to answer to un-pause it.

"Nothing huckleberry, relax. There's lots of creepy guys preying on little girls in the streets at night, I just thought you were one. Not that you aren't." she said it as if what just happened was a perfectly normal thing.

"What the fuck Maya?"

"Thats some colorful voc-" I yanked her by the wrist and dragged her under a street light. I don't know what it was in me, but when I saw that her left eye was swollen and purple and she had a little bit of blood on her scalp, I was hardly surprised. Probably because I was subconsciously expecting it. Or probably because I had seen it all before.

I was speechless, and she looked like she was about to cry. Both of us were frozen and despite how much I wanted to hug her, I thought I'd break her if I did.

We stood there, unmoving, for about 30 seconds before she put her head down and started to cry. I could tell she was trying to hide it, but we both knew it wasn't working.

"Maya, you're coming home with me okay?" I said to her, trying to choke back my own tears.

"No. No Lucas I have to go home." She said between whimpers.

I had never seen her like that before; so venerable and scared, and I never wanted to see her like that again.

Despite her objection, we were in my apartment 15 minutes later and she was so tired, she didn't even protest when I set up my own bed for her to sleep on.

"Hey Lucas?" She was sitting on my bed half asleep yet somehow still looked wide awake and scared.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Thank you. I'll be fine though. But thanks."

I smiled but I wasn't happy at all. I could tell she wasn't convincing me that she'd be fine, but only convincing herself. She fell asleep right then and I stared at her for however long it was wondering who, what, when, where, and why.


1000 words sorry it took so long

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