the topanga to my cory

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The Topanga to my Cory

No two stories are the same because no two people are the same.

The new years eve party was the first time I'd gotten in a 'fight' with a 'girlfriend' and I truly did not see the big deal about it.

As I had said, the party was at Farkle's huge pent-house and there were literally so many people there that the not-really-all-that-popular host himself left.

Until he was needed to stop a fight.

From what I had heard, his cousin Caleb had slapped Riley's ass, resulting in Maya slapping his face, resulting in Maya's boyfriend James coming over, resulting in a fight between James and Caleb, resulting in me taking Riley home, resulting in our fight.

"Did you see that Lucas?" she asked.

I'd actually barely seen the fight itself, but knew enough from the shouts and chaos that I needed to get out of there.

"Yes and the last thing I wanted to do was be part of it." I said.

"Exactly!" she exclaimed.


"You should've stopped it! You should've been the one to teach him a lesson! I know you're strong Lucas!"

"Riley, what are you talking about?"

"James defended Maya, and you did nothing to defend me."

And an internal sigh

"Riley I'm sorry for whatever you're mad at me for. I took you home, I offered your best friend -who HATES me- a ride, and the last thing I wanted to do was get in trouble again."

"Well I just felt violated, and you weren't even there for me."

"Riley, you are my best friend, and if I was there and saw it happen, you know I would've done something. But the last time I was involved in a fight..."

There was silence before she opened the car door.

"Goodnight Lucas."

I sighed.

This girl. Is this what a perfect relationship is suppose to be? She knows I had anger issues and she hates when I show the smallest bit of insincerity, but now she wants me to get involved in a fight that was already happening?

Don't get me wrong, if James hadn't come in and backed her up, Farkle's family would've been a little smaller, but I'd done all I could.

I loved her, and I knew I loved her, but growing up with her parents' perfect love story, she was starting to expect too much.

So here I am, driving home, thinking about how my not-really-extreme-crush-but-if-I had-the-chance-wouldn't-hesitate-crush was finally dating me, and I'd already gotten the feeling she and everyone else at school was planning our wedding, and that this is only the first of probably only a few fights. I thought about how James stepped in to defend his girlfriend's best friend, and how I never got to see how any of it turned out.

Was Farkle okay?
Did the cops get him in trouble?
Did James win the fight?
Was he really able to take Maya home?
Did I have school the next day?
Did I do my homework?
Can I finish it in 24 hours?
Why are we back on the second and not the third?
Is it seriously snowing right now?
Am I still buzzed?

And that's about when the invisible cab came around the corner.

"Watch wheah yah goin ya awshole!" the driver screamed at me, whilst showing me the disgusting yellow nail on his third finger.

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