Eyes Wide Open

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Eyes Wide Open

"Um, hi?"

i opened my eyes to my mom looking at me with a really confused look on her face.

"If you weren't wearing that neon shirt i would have sat on your face, and if i were you i wouldn't want to wake up that way on a saturday morning," she said as i sat up. "So. Why are you on my couch?"

Why was I on the couch? Inside me was this feeling of dread, yet i had no idea what i had done the night before to make me feel that way.

Until i remembered exactly. My stomach dropped and I immediately felt like going back to bed and sleeping forever.

"Mom?" my voice was quiet and i really didn't want to retell the events of the night before, but i knew i had to. i had to. why did i have to? because they happened. why did they happen? cause satan exists, and he curses us all, thats why.

"Yeah hun?"

"Maya's in my bed-"

"What!" Okay, wrong way to word that. A+ job Lucas

"No! No. No, not like that." i paused. "I was walking down to the corner store last night and i saw her and she was freaking out and crying and.."

"oh my god, what happened?"

I was quiet as i realized i didn't even really know what happened either. "someone beat her up. I dont know, she had bruises on her face and her hair was wrecked. I took her home."

My mom set down her coffee on the table and took a deep breath.

"Let her sleep, okay? Ill make breakfast, and when she wakes up tell me, okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah"

She put her hand up to her head and muttered something. When she looked back at me, i could tell her face mimicked mine: ready to explode in tears because of how angry we were at the world.

"Are you okay? You care about her a lot, i know." My mom asked.

I just looked down and sighed before she rubbed my head and walked off.

I must have fallen asleep again, cause the next thing I know I'm waking up. The first thing I notice is breakfast ready on the kitchen counter, and a note from my mom saying she had to go somewhere and that she'd be back in 15 minutes. The time was 10:23, and according to the note, she left at 10:15.

I walked upstairs to my room and debated going in before I realized that I had been best friends with Maya literally since middle school, and we've seen each other in way worse situations than this, but those are whole other stories.

I opened the door and was really confused to see that she wasn't there; the bed was disheveled, her phone and sweater were still on the table, but she wasn't there.

When I finally realized that she was there, just completely submerged in my comforter and pillows, I somehow managed a chuckle.

"Hey," I said pushing on her arm.

She immediately woke up and looked around for a bit, extremely confused.

"How the hell did I get-" she cut herself off as her eyes lowered, seemingly in shame. I wanted to hug her, but something told me that that would be a little bit weird. Especially for me and Maya.

"Hey, you don't have to get up if you don't want to, you can stay here as long as you want, you know that. I was just going to tell you that breakfast was ready."

She rubbed her eyes and stuttered a bit when she stared to answer.

"What uh, what, what time is it?" She asked.

"Almost 10:30."

"Can I use your bathroom?"

"Yeah," I replied. "It's down the hall on the left. I'll be downstairs."

I started to walk out when she stopped me.

"Hey Lucas," She said.

I turned around to see her looking as if she was going to start tearing up.


"Always," I replied.

The cushion on the couch was only slightly indented from me sitting on it, but I felt like I was being swallowed alive by the piece of furniture. My head was pounding, swirling with everything that had happened since New Years. No I take that back. It all started way before New Years; I couldn't remember when exactly but now that the memories were all viciously shoving themselves together, I had come to realize that strange things had been happening gradually and I had only noticed the second of January.

I felt like I was going to pass out when the door to the apartment opened.

I hadn't even heard what my mother had said, but it didn't matter, because she walked right passed me, eyes fixed on the stairs.

I stood up behind her, as she looked at Maya the way she used to look at me when I was sad or worried about something.

"Oh Lord Above," she said looking Maya in the eye. "Com'ere sweetie."

I still felt detached from my body watching them embrace. Maya's face was tucked into her shoulder, wet with tears, and I couldn't see my moms, but I could only imagine.

I was completely out of it. My mom had said something to me which I had ignored, and the next thing I knew I was in the room alone again.

When I came back to life, it was nearly 10:40, and I went upstairs, slightly more prepared for what I was about to see, but still extremely unprepared for what awaited me.

They were in my moms room, and as I walked in, I was on the verge of crying, and I hadn't even thought of crying since I had moved to New York. Maya's shirt was off, and her makeup from the night before was completely removed, and despite how beautiful I knew she was, the marks on her were hideous. Her lip was cut, the scratch on her scalp trailed down onto her forehead, and her eye was far more black than it had looked covered in concealer. Her stomach and ribs were a different story.

We locked eyes, and she lost it. And not like she had before with my mom, but somehow, she was more wrecked than that, as if me seeing her in her most venerable time was literally killing her.

She came up to me, and I lifted her off of her feet, hugging her so tightly, I was surprised she didn't yelp in pain. We stood there like that for a long time, our heads tucked in each others shoulders, and for the first time since we had left Texas for good, I completely bawled my eyes out.

Another authors note to keep ya updated. I'm really really sorry I haven't been writing at all but about a month ago something happened and this has honestly been the last thing on my mind. I'm going to begin writing the next chapter around next Thursday

If any of my readers have been affected by the demon called Hurricane Matthew, I truely hope my writing brings you to an alternate universe, one where you can forget about everything, cause escaping the world is so relieving.

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