a nigt out

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A Night Out

Ok well that day only got stranger from there. Little did I know it was just a tiny hill before the biggest slope I'd ever experience.

I mean I thought things couldn't get any weirder until my mom sent me to the corner market for bread or whatever I dont even remember.
What I do remember is what happened in the store.

I was in the back of the store grabbing what I needed when I heard her voice.

I would've said hi to her and probably teased her about being in this part of town, cause the only reason she'd be here is if she was spending the night at James's. But I stopped when I'd heard what she was saying.

I couldn't see her; she had a hoodie on, but she was at the counter talking with the clerk about something.

But no. She was on the verge of crying. She was begging him.

"I've told you Miss, the cops've been checking up on this place, I can't give em to you anymore," he said.

"Please. I'll pay you extra, please, I need them," she replied so quietly I could barely hear her.

He sighed.

"You're so young. There's a way out of this sweetie."

Her voice cracked and I could see the sympathy in the mans eyes.

"Please," she said.

I peeked out from behind a shelf to see what was going on, and what she could've possibly wanted at a gas station at 10 o'clock that she couldn't have.

Thats when the clerk turned around and opened the glass case on the wall.

'Don't do it,' I thought.
'Don't do it
Don't do it
Don't do it'

Little did I know then.

"I didn't give these to you," the clerk said, handing her a pack of Camels. "Good luck sweetie."

And she left.

Without thinking I yelled her name. She spun around and made eye contact with me for a millisecond before tearing away and disappearing into the night.

It all happened so fast that when I got home I had started to doubt it was even her. I mean I hadn't even seen her face.

But I heard her voice. And I saw her eyes for that split second.

That was Maya, buying cigarettes at night, alone.

All my friends had changed. Farkle needed to talk to a guidance counselor, Riley wasn't the goofball she was in middle school, and Maya was attached to her boyfriend's hip and smoked while spending the night at his place doing God know what else.

I didn't bother texting Maya that night, I knew she wouldn't answer, but instead I kept thinking and thinking about what was really going on.

We weren't drifting away, that process is long and hard. This had only happened over a series of days. December 31st we were all normal, preparing for Farkle's new years party as the group we were, but as soon as the year changed, so did everything else.

What was going on?

Nothing made sense at that point, but I wanted it too so badly. I was forcing puzzle pieces together; pieces that didn't quite fit to a puzzle I didn't know the final look of. And with what I had I came up with this:

Maya and Farkle were dating.

It was insane. But it was all I had. I don't know why figuring this out had gotten me angry.

Why wouldn't she just tell us?
Why wouldn't Farkle tell us?
Was it really such a big deal that they were dating? I mean, I guess it was behind her own boyfriend's back but then why would she still be spending the night at his house?

Then I vetoed that theory.

We might not be on the best of terms, but I know Maya enough that she wouldn't cheat on James, and I knew enough about Farkle that he wouldn't invade his best friend's relationship.

But it seemed as true as it did not true. There was nothing else I could think of, and it was because at that point, I was blind.

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