The Nightmare Before New Years

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I woke up around six o'clock that afternoon much in the same way I had woken up the day I found her in the bathroom. I was on the floor of my own bedroom, (how or when we had gone from my mom's to mine I don't remember) with Maya wrapped in my arms, feeling more fragile than I could even imagine her being.

There was something reassuring in the position we were in. I felt like a weight has been lifted off my chest. The way I was holding her felt like she was perfectly safe, that nothing could harm her more than she was already harmed, because I was there to protect her.

I have no idea why I felt that way, nor did I think I would ever feel that way towards Maya. We had always been at eachother's necks, taunting and teasing one another since the day I arrived at John Quincy Adams Middle. At first I was torn that I had moved to a new school and immediately was being what I thought was bullied, but as the time went on, I grew accustomed to our relationship. But during the past month or so, our relationship had become so different, and here we were, on the floor, wrapped in a blanket, together and alone, both venerable and guardless.

"Maya," I said in attempt to wake her up. "Maya"

She jolted up and looked around before slouching onto the wall next to me. She pulled the blanket she was wrapped in tighter around her body, and coughed to clear her throat.

It was silent for a bit before I asked, "Do you want to stay here tonight?"
Simply because I couldn't think of anything else to say. I mean what are you supposed to say in a situation like that?

"Really?" She asked. "I don't want you to feel like you have to take care of me. The last thing I want is for my friends to pity-"

"Maya," I interrupted. "Am I the kind of person who takes lame pity on people? You're my friend, and I wasn't going to let you go home alone even if you did reject the invitation."

She looked down and I had noticed for the first time how pail she really was.

"Can I call Farkle? I left my phone at-" she started coughing before she could finish her sentance and I put my hand on her back in attempt to stop her from
choking. When she stopped I asked her if she was okay, and she only replied sitting back and nodding.

"Your phone?" She said looking at me, and for a second, she looked like herself again.

"Wow all this and you're still rudely trying to take my stuff."

With that I handed her my phone.

She seemed nervous as it rang, and I was too for some reason. I realized that she hadn't come to me, I just happened to be there when she was too. The person she wanted was Farkle, and for a second, I was disappointed. But then I remembered; Farkle knew everything. Ever since the party, he knew what was wrong with Maya, and until right now, he was the only person who understood her.

I heard Farkle's hello through the phone, but she turned the volume down before saying hello back, so it was the only thing I had heard from his side of the conversation. Though I couldn't hear his exact words, I could tell he was frantically talking to her. She sat with a saddened face staring at the ground.

The mumbling on the other end subsided before she said "No." Her voice cracked and I wanted to hug her so badly; hold her and protect her again, but she had begun to stand up.

"I know," she said, but I didn't know what she knew.
"I know," she said again.
"Farkle...Far-...but I'm okay! Farkle I can handle myself..." she mumbled one more thing before a tear leaked onto her cheek.
"I know,I just... Good, I'm good I told you Farkle."

I heard mumbling on the other side and as a reply to what she had said, and she wiped the tear from her face and sniffled into the phone.
"Okay," she said. "Bye."

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