winter wonderland

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Winter Wonderland

The next day she wasn't at school. Understandable. But it got me kind of worried.

What got me more worried was when I revived three of the same texts from three different people.

have u seen maya?

Hey man, you seen Maya lately?

So apparently James ans farkle are looking for Maya. u seen her?

I texted all three saying I didn't have any classes with her, and I haven't heard from her.

An hour later Farkle called me.

"Yep." I answered

"Lucas I'm not stupid."

"Yeah I've noticed. You've won like fifty academic medals," I laughed, trying not to act as confused as I really was.

"Are you really on a date with Riley right now?"

"Nah the dates over. We're actually at my place making out. Care to join?"

"Fuck you. Seriously though what are you doing,"
Okay, now this was getting weird.

"I'm at home why..." I replied.

"Where's Riley?"

"It's Friday and it's like 20 degrees out. She probably stayed at school with her dad. Why?"

"Maya said you and Riley were on a double date with her and James. Why would she say that?"

"Farkle, she probably wanted you to leave her alone. Why do you care so much lately?" I asked.

He sighed in response.

"Lucas, have you seen her?"

"Farkle I've already told you I haven't-"

"No. I don't mean have you seen her with your eyes, but like, have you SEEN her?"

I was silent. I still didn't know what was going on with Maya, but I knew Farkle did. I felt like telling him about the whole bathroom incident, but then again she told me not to. It was her own life, her own business. But was it her own good?

Farkle knew I was holding something back.

"You have seen her," he said. "Like, seen her in the 'with the eyes' way, not the whole 'with the soul' thing I was talking about earlier."

I hesitated before replying.

"I saw her at the nurse yesterday. I went in to get a formed signed, and Maya looked like she just threw up. She said she was going home and not to tell you cause she knew you would think she wasn't really sick. I'm telling you she was."

It wasn't a complete lie, only like, 80 percent. True enough for him to buy it though.

Ten minutes later my phone rang again.

'That's it,' I thought. 'He's been analyzing and he's realized I was lying.'
But luckily, I was instead greeted with the friendly voice of Riley as I answered the phone.


"Oh hey! I totally forgot you existed," I replied.

"Thanks for that. But seriously we haven't done anything in a while. Want to like, do something?" she asked.

"Is Riley Matthews asking my out on a date?" I said in mock surprise.

"Yep. And she wants to do something other than go to her moms café. Any ideas?"

"Well you could just come over my house."

I could practically feel her blushing through the phone.

"Or we can go ice skating," I said, saving myself.

"Yeah! Sure, I'd love to go iceskating! Maybe at like 7, after dinner?"

"Whatever's good."

We said goodbye and hung up.

Riley was right; we hadn't done anything together since new years and that didn't particularly end well. Ice skating would be great for both of us and maybe not extremely awkward.

We got there around 7:15, and I slipped and fell before we even got to the rink. Our greatly planned night at the hugely lit Rockefeller ice center turned out to be a downfall. I swear my butt was broken from 'that little fall out in the parking lot' as Riley called it. I could barely stand with good posture, putting my skates on was painful, and the whole night was just flat out uncomfortable.

"I thought you said you could ice skate," Riley giggled. "You look like an old man trying to get to his walker."

"Thanks for that. And all the other times I've been ice skating I didn't have a broken tail bone." I didn't mean for that whole entire sentence to come out bitchy, but you would understand if you were in my shoes. Er... skates.

The thing is, Riley didn't seem to like my sarcasm, so the next look she gave me was between shocked and genuinely concerned.

"Do you want to go? I'm sorry, I feel bad we can just go to my house and watch a movie if you don't want to skate." she said.

She was willing to leave to save this date, but I wouldn't let that happen.

I smiled and said, "You know what? I think I'll be fine, I am a man after all."

She smiled back and I skated in pain for an hour while making casual small talk.

"I had fun. I really did." that's what she said as we left.

"Me too. Except for the fact that I can't sit."

She smiled. That was good, right?

"We should do this again." I suggested. "Every week, same time."

She smiled again. "That sounds great."

The thing is, we only went on 3 more skate adventures after that.

One friday, before our scheduled date thing, we were on the phone and after a common awkward silence she sighed.

"Lucas, do you actually have fun in these dates?"

"What? Yeah! You're really fun Riles."

"Be honest Lucas. I see your face every time we go on a date and it seems to get more and more tired."

It was quiet before I sighed.

"There's jut been nothing to talk about lately. You know?" Of corse that wasn't true. There was always plenty to talk about around our friends, but when it was just us, the well seemed to be dry.

"You're a great friend Lucas, but I don't know if this is actually going to work out." It was quite before she continued. "I don't want to break up but, I mean, us dating just feels kind of..."

"Forced," I answer. "So. Do you want to stop going out?"

"I love you Lucas, you know that but, like,"

She didn't have to say it. During the first month or so everything was great. We were nervous around each other but I learned more than I ever knew about her. Lately though, it hasn't seemed the same. We ran out of conversation. It was inevitable: we were drifting.

"We're still friends though, right? I mean the last thing I want is to not be friends with you. It's what we do best." And it was.

"Yes. And if anything is awkward on Monday, I will slap you." She said.

I laughed a genuine laugh and said goodbye. My Friday nights were now free. I don't know how I felt about that.

I know that the feeling didn't last long though. Soon, I would have something to deal with every day.

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