unnecessary therapy

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I got home finally, absolutely exhausted. I just wanted to lay in bed and draw till I fell asleep. I didn't even bother changing, and leaped into my bed. Miranda had made my bed perfectly, so I could easily wrap myself into the covers. I pulled out my sketchbook, which was like a diary for me.

Skimming through the pages, every moment that defined me were pictured in sketches. And embarrassingly, Eros had become the inspiration for one of the sketches; the outline of an angel laid in front of me. Waiting to be filled in, completed.

I shifted my attention to the unfinished page, deciding to exploit my energy on the sketch. I started filling in the rough pages with the swipes of a charcoal pencil, and soon colored pencils joined the mix.

A wing and the body it belonged to stared back at me.

I'd drifted asleep only to be awoken by a bodily thump in my room. I awoke frightfully before hearing the slight tremor of a pair of wings.


"Eros?" I called out, hoping it wouldn't be a creepy mafia leader who wanted to sell my lungs on the black market.

"Tessa," he replied.

I hurriedly shut my sketchbook because that simply wasn't a sight for the eyes of another person- rather guardian angel.

Eros's husky voice reverberated through the room. "How was your day?"

I narrowed my eyes at his looming figure that was barely outlined by the sparse moonlight. Where was that light even coming from? Was my window even open?

"Fantastic," I answered blandly.

Oh, you know, the usual. Ethan Campbell being an insufferable assbutt and having another person join my pain-in-my-ass list.

"You're lying," he replied without missing a beat. "You're a terrible liar."

I grumbled at him, and seeing as his posture hadn't relaxed once in this tense moment, I knew he wasn't going to let go till I answered honestly. "Fine. It was crappy. And some new kid came today, who by the way is annoying as hell, to make things worse."

"What'd the new kid do?" I swore I could hear faint traces of amusement lingering in his voice.

I sighed, still trying to get used to the idea of being able to open up to someone so...unfamiliar. Just the idea of being able to trust someone scared the crap out of me; especially since I'd never had anyone to rely on, to be dependent on.

Not my parents, not my sister. I'd never been the type to make friends easily either, and due to my "raging bitch who rejects every guy" reputation, that didn't help in making friends either.

"You know, the typical Asshole 101 Tactics. Like not leaving me alone when I told him to."

"So I'm guessing you don't like him at all?" He sounded confused.

I could feel his presence in front of me as he was leaning against the column of my bed.

"Would you look at that, Greek Salad is a genius after all," I replied, not holding back on the sarcasm.

"Tell me something I don't know," Eros said, confidence dripping off his tone.

"You're an arrogant taco dick, did you know that," I answered, trying to find him so I could glare at him.

He neared the bed, sitting at the foot of it. Eros was purposely invading my space; forcing me to acknowledge his presence. Forcing me to accept that he wasn't going anywhere.

That I could actually trust him.

what did I just write

his angel (#1)Where stories live. Discover now