unlikely savior(s)

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I could hear him so clearly, his voice seemed to sober me up completely. "Eros...." I mumbled, trying to push the àsswipe who had his grimy hands on me.

I looked over his shoulder, expecting to see an angel with a face of darkness but instead I was met with the image of...Leo.

Not Eros.

"Are you so fücking pathetic that you're forcing a girl to hook up with you?" Leo mocked coldly. Even I was terrified.

"Mind your own business, asshole," the guy replied with equal ferocity. His hands were sure to leave bruises on me with his vice grip.

Leo sent a sucker punch flying his way, narrowly avoiding my own face. He immediately dropped and I stumbled unceremoniously, about to faceplant - but Leo's arms stopped me before I could kiss the floor.

I felt like I was being played hot potato with.

"Easy there, Bambi," Leo breathed out, fastening his arms like a cage around me.

"Thank you," I replied, holding onto his shirt tight for support. The reality of me nearly being ... I didn't want to think about it anymore. Everything seemed to dawn on me too fast and I just wanted to take a shower till I couldn't feel the handprints on my body anymore.

Leo said nothing, but snuck an arm under my knees, lifting me bridal style. I was too dazed to care or notice that I wasn't walking anymore. I curled into his arms, never releasing his shirt from my fingertips.

I was desperate for comfort.

I attempted to control my shallow breaths. It didn't work.

"I'm going to take you home, okay," Leo murmured soothingly.

I simply nodded into his chest, letting him take me home, murmuring my address before shutting my eyes. 

And I let him take me home.

He'd gotten us into my house, which was empty and cold. Leo had even tucked me into my bed, which was a mess of sheets and pillows.

"Hey, will you be alright by yourself?"

"Yeah, I will be. Thanks, Leo. For everything."

He left with one last reassuring smile before letting the door close behind him.

Sleep wouldn't come to me. I could smell his alcoholic breath on my face, his groping hands on me.

I felt repulsive.

Weak, disgusting. If you hadn't been wearing that short dress and gotten drunk, that guy would have never touched you. It's your fault.

I got into the shower, scrub off every trace of his touch, off the growing bruise on my leg, of the words he'd breathed into my ear.

I scrubbed at my skin till it was bright red. Getting out of the shower, I slipped into my pajamas after drying off.

When I stepped out of my bathroom, the one person I'd wanted to see for the past thirteen days was actually here.

"Tessa." That voice I'd wanted to hear all week finally came through and it was a fucking symphony to my ears. Desperate.

But I didn't even move.

"Tessa, are you okay?" He sounded hesitant, like he was treading on thin ice.

"I'm not okay." I stared at my feet awkwardly.

He came closer, leaning against the column of my bed frame. "It's all my fault. I should've have been so abrasive. I'm sorry." His voice had lowered to a nearly inaudible whisper.

I didn't answer because I was so fucking desperate for the company of someone who wasn't even human.

Eros wasn't leaning against the frame of my bed anymore- now he was sitting next to me. His heat was like a second blanket. "I'm sorry for being a colossal idiot."

"You don't have to apologize- you're right," I started, and didn't know where to end. "My life was crumbling down long before you came into my life with your fucking guardian angel lecture. I just didn't care enough to do anything about it."

"That was really poetic."

I rolled my eyes at him. "I probably should write that down."

"Sure, petaloudá, sure."

I resisted the urge to say something back, but I was just too tired to think or speak. My eyes closed without my permission and soon I was drifting off.

"Can you stay?" I breathed out before my eyes closed completely.

"Of course," he answered and that's all I needed to hear.

I'd just like to say regarding to Tessa's assault, the thoughts are not my own (or hers). It's insecurity, shame, etc. 

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