tonsil hockey

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you're probably going to hate me at the end of the chapter lol


I wasn't prepared to play tonsil hockey with Eros!

I didn't even know how to fûcking play hockey!!

I should have thought this out a lot more. For once in my life, I just acted on an impulse, on a feeling. But my obvious inexperience didn't stop Eros due to his fantastic kissing skills. He massaged my lips into motion hesitantly, his mouth gentle against mine.

His hands were holding my face firmly, like I wasn't fragile. Like I wasn't going to dissolve in his arms or shatter into pieces.

I liked the feel of him. I liked his touch. I liked Eros. I fùcking liked that piece of feta cheese.

I pulled away due to the embarrassment I felt from my inexperience in swapping spit and started to think past the haze that had consumed my mind.

"What did I just do," I breathed out, trying to breathe again.

"I'm pretty sure you just kissed me."

"Yeah, I know, Greek Salad. I just need to process. That was my first kiss after all."

"Well, damn. I would've used tongue too if you'd told me."

"Shut up," I swatted his arm, my hand unfortunately meeting pure muscle.

"Sorry to disappoint, but that doesn't hurt, petaloúda."

I'd given away my first kiss. To Greek Salad. I didn't know how to feel- should I have enjoyed that kiss that I could still feel on my lips or be ashamed that I'd given to some guy whose face I hadn't even seen?

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Eros's voice was soft, and he sounded like he was walking on ice. Fingertips brushed against the tension in my forehead and eased it.

"Will you ever show yourself to me?" I blurted out, subconsciously moving closer to him.

What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you so needy, clingy? That ugly voice in my head sneered at me, backing back away again.

He was quiet. For too long. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"For stringing you along." His voice was stronger than enforced steel, the sudden frost in his voice knocked the wind out of me.

"What?" That's all I seemed to be capable of saying as my voice got softer and softer.

"I shouldn't have kissed you or let this get this far. Nothing's going to happen anymore because I'm simply your guardian angel. And nothing more," Eros answered coldly. There was no warmth in his touch or his voice anymore.

"Just forget what happened between us. It didn't mean anything anyways."

"No, it didn't mean anything," I answered, refusing to let my voice crack.

Lies, lies, lies.


And he was gone.


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