Chapter 3 // Tyler

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I walk out of the Starbucks, suddenly feeling relived.

I can't stop thinking about Josh. I still can't believe my bandmate, my best friend, said those horrible words to me.

I sigh, suddenly feeling a cold wind pass by my side. I shiver and put my hands in the pockets of my sweatshirt.

I keep walking, trying to forget all of this. But it's hard. Josh's words are now impaled in my mind, and they're slowly killing me.

I still don't know where I'm going, I don't want to go to the tour bus, I don't want to see Josh again.

I want to see Jenna. I want to be with her right now. I don't want to stay in this goddamn town anymore.

I walk near the sidewalk and suddenly I see a taxi (I suppose it is a taxi) on the road and I run to chase it.

The taxi driver notices my presence and smiles. I open the door of the taxi and I sit down next to him.

"Well hello there." The driver says with a smile.

I try to smile too, but I can't so I just nod.

"Where do you want to go?" He asks me again."

"Anywhere." I say. "Take me out of this place, please."

The driver nods and speeds up the car.


I look through the window, lost in my own thoughts. I didn't even notice the curious look of the driver staring at me, until now.

"I'm pretty sure I've seen you somewhere." He says, focusing on the road again.

I stare at him now.


"You're the singer from that band that just came here, right?" He smiles. "I think is called 'twenty two airplanes' or something like that."

"twenty one pilots." I correct him.

The driver nods.

"Yeah, sorry. But anyway, I love your band, man. I've heard some of your songs and you're amazing." His smile fades away. "Wait, why are you here? You should be with your band, not in a taxi."

I let out a long sigh.

"I had a fight with my band mate. I didn't want to go back to the tour bus."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

We both stay in silence. Then the driver snorts.

"Do you want to listen to something on the radio?"

I'm pretty sure he's trying to make a pun but I nod anyway. He then turns on the radio but I don't listen to the song that's currently playing. I'm too nervous to pay attention to anything around me.

I feel uncomfortable here, the driver doesn't even look at the road anymore. He's just singing to the songs on the radio and dancing in his seat. I gulp and then look at him.

"Why aren't you looking at the road?" I say, trying to stay calm. " We can have an accident."

The man just smiles and laughs. I'm don't think this dude is an actual taxi driver anymore.

"Relax. I know how to do my job."

I breathe heavily. I feel the sudden urge to jump out of the car only because this dude is freaking me out.

"I think you can stop here." I feel sweat on my forehead. "Please."

The driver turns off the radio and then looks at me.

"Here? In the middle of nowhere?"

I look out the window again and then I realize what he just mean: right now we are leaving town and I don't see a single sidewalk nor a single car. I rub my eyes.

"Why?" That's the only thing I say.

"You said you wanted to leave this town." The driver smirks. "So that's why I'm taking you out of town."

"Please, just leave me here." He's scaring me. "I'm okay here, I swear."

The driver laughs.

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere."

At this moment I realized something: this was not a taxi and he was not a taxi driver. He was, literally, kidnapping me.

Oh shit.

I freak out and I try to open the door, even though it was obviously locked.

"Let me go! Please!" I beg to the driver but he doesn't seem to listen.

But then I feel the sudden urge to throw myself over the steering wheel and stop this goddamn car, and I do it. But that was the worst mistake I could have ever done.

The man tries to push me away but I don't let him. I feel the car violently moving to the sides and I feel sick.

But everything suddenly stops when I feel the car crashing against an object. Then I feel like we are slowly falling into a void, a deep and dark void.

But it suddenly ends when the car crashes once again.

This time I violently hit my head and everything goes black.


Okay, I hope you're enjoying this story and please tell me what's you opinion about it. Talk to me me, please.

(Edited 06/16/16)

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