Chapter 6 // Tyler

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I'm falling into a large and dark void.

I try to scream but my throat is sealed and my lungs feel dead.

I don't know what's happening and I'm actually scared. I'm surrounded by darkness and a horrible silence.

This has to be another dream. I have had this kind of dreams before.

But I don't think this is a dream, it feels too real to be one. If it's a dream, I hope I can wake up.

I need to wake up. Now!

But my eyes are shut now and my head feels heavy. And I'm still falling.

I can't wake up. Even if I try.

But I suddenly stop falling and I hit something hard, like a floor.

I still can't open my eyes but I know where I am now. I'm inside my mind. My own twisted mind.

Trapped inside my head by my own.

I lay there, in that "floor", surrounded by silence.

I can only hear the slow beat of my heart, but the beats get weaker every time.

And I feel like I'm dying.

Someone, please, help me.

(Edited 06/16/16)

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