Chapter 7 // Josh

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I slowly open the door, still trying to process what Jenna said.

A coma? Really? I was expecting everything, literally, but I never thought of Tyler falling into a fucking coma.

My head starts to hurt as I gulp. I finally head into the room and I try not to gasp.

There he was.

Lying on that bed.

I feel tears in my eyes and that's when I hear a voice behind me.

"Try talking to him, Josh." I turn around and I see the doctor, awkwardly smiling. "I'm pretty sure he can hear you."

I nod and the doctor walks away from me. I rub my eyes and a few tears fall from them. I can't see my best friend like that. I can't even think straight right now.

But still I close the door and I walk towards the bed. I can only hear the beat of his heart coming from the monitor next to him. Slowly. Synchronised.

I take a look at his pale face: he has a big scar on his forehead and a few scratches on his cheeks. A couple of tubes are attached to his mouth, and his chest rises and falls slowly.

You could say he looks okay, if he wasn't fucking dying, of course.

I bite my lip, still trying to process what it's in front of my eyes right now. I can't help but feel guilty, I'm still convinced this was my fault. I try to organize my thoughts before opening my mouth. I don't know what to say. Sorry? Get well? I don't know.

I take a deep breath, tears still in my eyes.

"Tyler, can you hear me?"


I hear footprints near me. I raise my head and I see Mark, his face expressionless.

He sighs and hands me a bag.

"I thought you were hungry so Ben and I went to Taco Bell and bought you this." He tries to smile but fails. "Hope you enjoy it."

I take the bag and hum a short thank you. To be honest I'm not hungry but Taco Bell really turns me on.

Mark sits next to me. We don't say a single word but I don't feel like talking anyway. It has been an hour since I saw Tyler, since I broke down into tears, and I'm pretty sure my eyes are still red.

I left Tyler's room in tears. I cried for a long time, blaming myself and begging Tyler to wake up. When I finally decided to leave I saw his family in the waiting room, and Jenna was with them. I also saw the guys from the crew. Everyone was in complete silence.

When Jenna saw me crying she sat down next me and patted my shoulder a few times. I haven't said a word since I left Tyler's room, and my throat is aching.

Right now I'm sitting in a chair in the waiting room. I don't know how to feel, I still can't believe I'm here, in this hospital, waiting for my best friend to wake up. I remember everything I said to him in the Starbucks, and now I understand what was that strange feeling.

I take a look at the bag on my lap, still not hungry, and then I take a look at Mark. He notices my glance and shakes his head.

"So... how's him?" He says, bitting his lip.

"Almost dead." That's the only thing I say. "But I know he will get through this. He can't leave me."

Mark rubs his head and I notice he's uncomfortable.

"Josh, I know I've said this before, but you should rest." He gulps. "You look like hell, literally."

I'm not going to argue with him, not now.

"You're right." I let out a long sigh.

"Am I?" He shakes his head again. "Really?"

"You're acting weird again, Mark."

"Sorry, I'm just worried."

"We all are." I stare at my feet now. "Can I ask you something?"

Mark nods.

"What really happened to him?" I say again.

"No one knows exactly what happened but we know the driver died." He shrugs. "Josh, the tour bus is in the hospital parking. I recommend you to go there and rest a little. I'm telling you this because I'm worried about you."

"I know." I roll my eyes as I stand up, taking the bag with me.

Just when I start walking away from him I hear Mark's voice calling me.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?"

I stop and sigh.

"I think so."

Then I keep walking. I lied. I'm not gonna be okay. I'm really close of losing my shit. I don't want to go to the tour bus. I don't want to sleep.

I don't want to leave Tyler.

(Edited 06/17/16)

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