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Michael ran into the lot, shaking Niall awake. "Mike, what the fuck?" Niall groaned as he got up, "We're running away." He mumbled and he felt blood trickle down his arm, not caring as they ran at full speed and stopping near the park, the black haired boy leaning on his knees and panting.

"Niall, I need a cigarette." Michael huffed and Niall handed him a cigarette, the greaser lighting it immediately. "Fucking hell, I can't stand it no more man!" Michael cried as he kicked the ground, "Can't stand what no more?" Niall asked, "My life!" Michael sobbed and stopped out his cigarette. "Ash don't care about me! He only likes Calum! I'm just a fucking burden to him!" He shouted, "Ashton fucking hit me Niall! He fucking hit me!" Michael sobbed and Niall pulled the now sobbing 14 year old in for a hug, they didn't care if it didn't seem tough now, they were struggling. "I-I-I'm a f-failure." Michael sobbed as he and Niall walked towards the park, "Mike, no you ain't. Ash just got a little mad is all." Niall tried and Michael sniffled, shivering again as the climbed onto the monkey bars. "He's always mad at me Ni, he probably won't even bother lookin' for me tonight." Michael sighed and they heard a car pull up, making the greasers gulp and they saw socs get out of the blue Mustang, seeing Justin and Harry with a few others, all of them drunk.

"What're you doing here? It's our territory." Michael scoffed as he dragged on his cigarette, "It don't matter none faggot." Harry snarled and the 2 young boys could practically smell the alchol on their breath. Michael and Niall hopped down from the monkey bars, standing their ground and remaining still.

"You know what greasers are?" Justin smirked, "White trash with greased hair." He chuckled and splashed what Michael could only assume was scotch onto the black haired boy's face. "Well, you know what socs are?" He asked as he wiped his eyes, "White trash that drive mustangs and madres!" He shouted and spit on Justin, then being chased by them around the park, Niall trying to help as they grabbed him and pulled Michael to the fountain,  dunking his head under and Michael held his breath under the the freezing cold water, coming up and coughing harshly for air.

"LET GO OF ME YOU SON OF BITCH!" He screamed, gasping before he was shoved bacl under, thrashing around to try and get out of Justin and Harry's grip, he began feeling lightheaded and he knew he needed air soon, but he wasn't strong enough, then everything went black as he felt their grip loosen.

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