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Michael threw a rock through the wooden boards that were keeping the window closed, coughing a bit from the smoke and he and Niall climbed inside, hearing kids screaming. "I see some!" Michael shouted as he ran to the kids in the corner, screaming in pain as he felt a piece of wood fall onto his right arm, but he ignored it and went to a young girl. He tried to pick her up, but only got bit, "Ow!" He cried and shook his hand. "Princess, I'm just gonna get you out, I'm gonna help you." He cooed and she let him pick her up, then he picked up another little girl and passed them to a man through the window, helping Niall with some kids in the back.

"HELP ME!" A little boy cried and Michael ran over to him, moving some wooden pieces and helping the boy up, a piece of wood came crashing down and made Michael's hair catch fire just as he passed the kid through the window and he smacked at the flame, thankfully putting it out, but his face and shoulder were stinging horribly. He saw the ceiling begin to fall down and Louis rushed inside,

"NIALL! THE CEILING!" Michael screamed, "We still got kids here!" Niall shouted back and a piece of wood hit Michael on the shoulder, causing him to fall to the ground and his clothes caught fire, then he got sent into a hysterical coughing fit from all the smoke. "Stupid kid." Louis mumbled as he dragged Michael out, the blonde boy heard Niall shriek as a large piece of wood hit his back.

"NIALL!" Michael croaked out before he passed out onto the grass, the building collapsing just as Louis got a severely burned Niall out.

Michael woke up in an ambulance, "N-Niall? L-Louis?" He croaked out, his arms were burning, his shoulder and the side of his face stung, and his pale skin was black from the ashes and soot. "Stay down kid, there in another ambulance behind us." A man cooed and Michael coughed, noticing he had a breathing tube in his nose. "That was mighty brave of you guys." The man smiled, "I guess so." Michael rasped out, his voice sounding like he ate rusty nails for lunch.

"You guys are heroes." The man smiled and Michael shook his pounding head, "We're gr-greasers." He whispered and coughed again, "Greasers?" He asked and Michael weakly nodded, his eyes closing again from exhaustion and he was out cold once again.

Michael woke up in a hospital bed, his arms, face, and his shoulder bandaged. He was still in his normal clothes so he got up, slowly walking out of his room and he gulped as he saw how badly Niall got burnt, the sight of his chared red skin making his stomach tumble inside. "If you try anything like that again I'll kill you." Louis mumbled as he was wheeled past him.

"Mikey?" Calum cooed and Michael turned his head, running up to his older brother and hugging him as tight as he could, "Look at your hair." Calum chuckled and ruffled his blonde hair, then he turned his head and saw Ashton, running into his arms and being embraced in a bone crushing hug. "You scared us half to death, I thought we lost you like mum and dad." Ashton sniffled and Michael knew he was crying, letting tears slip too. "I love you Ashton, I love you so much." Michael sobbed as he clung onto his brother, "Calm down buddy, you're shaking." Calum cooed as he noticed Michael's hands tremble, "I'm never leaving again." He sniffled. "Mr.Irwin?" A nurse asked and all three boys looked up, "We need examine the burns." She cooed and Michael let go of Ashton, walking over to the nurse as they sat him down in a chair. The nurse removed the bandages from his face and shoulder, exposing the small red blotches on his skin, then the bandages on his arms were rwmoved, showing worse burns. They were a darker red and were long and thin streaks instead of blotches, making Michael frown at the sight. "Consider yourself lucky kiddo. Your friend got it loads worse." The nurse mumbled as Michael began tugging on his sleeves to hide the scars. Ashton carefully wrapped his arm around Michael's shoulders, "You look tougher." He smirked and Michael chuckled as they walked to the car, sitting in the backseat and he felt the meds kick in, making him fall asleep almost instantly.

Michael woke up in his bed, getting up and getting dressed before going to the kitchen, taking out the chocolate cake Ashton let him and Calum have for breakfast as long as they had eggs along with it. "Anybody home?!" Liam shouted, "In the kitchen and don't slam the door!" Michael shouted, of course Liam still slammed the door and then grabbed the blonde boy from behind, making him fling the eggs from the pan onto the wall. "Ow ! Dammit Liam!" Michael cursed as the older boy let him go and he put the pan down, "It's the hero!" He smiled as he ruffled Michael's hair, "Be careful will ya? It still hurts." Michael mumbled as he cleaned up the mess, "Sorry kid, I'm just glad you're safe." Liam smiled as he hugged Michael tightly from behind, making Michael grunt and smile.

"Hey Mike, did you see the paper?!" Calum asked as he came into the room, holding the newspaper up and showing Michael the title.

3 teenage boys save kids from burning church

"You're a hero." Calum smiled, "Lou was probably shocked when his name didn't come before theft crime." Liam laughed and Michael smiled, "Sadly being a hero can come with a price." Michael sighed as he grabbed a rather large piece of cake, eating it.

"What do you mean?" Calum asked, "Really? Why do you think I mean?! I got burned bad! Lou and Ni are in the hospital! Niall is knocking on death's front fucking door!" Michael snapped as he slammed his fist on the table, biting his lip and holding back tears. "Mikey, relax." Liam cooed and Michael sighed, continuing to eat. "I don't want him to die." Michael sniffled and got up, grabbing his gray jacket. "C'mon Liam, we're going to see Niall." Michael stated, not even asking Calum to come because he knew he had work.

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