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On the way to the hospital, they stopped at the gas station and they saw socs coming towards them, Michael noticed Harry walk over. "You know there isn't any fighting before the rumble?" Liam scolded and they all nodded, rolling their eyes, "Kid, I need talk to ya." He muttered and Michael nodded, following Harry to his car and sitting inside with him. "I heard about you in the paper today." Harry mumbled, his eyes were filled with pain and sadness, Michael never knew Harry could feel those emotions. "Yeah." Michael muttered, fiddling with his sweater paws, "How are you feeling? I see you gotta a couple scars." Harry mumbled, "Is got burned a bit, Niall got it worse." Michael sniffled, trying not to cry infront of the soc. "Yeah, that was uh, very brave of you kid." Harry muttered and Michael shrugged, "Just wanted to help." He mumbled. "Still can't believe that blondie killed Justin." Harry huffed, "You were gonna kill me, what's the difference?!" Michael snapped and Liam looked their way, worried a bit. "Kid, relax. I understand." Harry cooed and Michael looked away, "I'm apologizing on his behalf, we shouldn't have some that. You did no harm to us." Harry sighed and Michael gawked, not believing the words that just left his mouth. "O-okay." Michael mumbled, not knowing what to say. "Good luck kid." Harry smiled before Michael got out of the car, backing over to Liam.

Michael walked up to Niall's hospital room, biting his lip as he was about to open the door and Liam followed him in, both of them gulping as they saw Niall's condition.

He was laying on his stomach on the bed, his severely burned arms propped up, and a thin sheet covered him from the waist down. Niall's once pale back was now red and scarred horribly, Michael's belly kept churning at the sight.

"Hey Ni." Liam whispered as he and Michael walked closer, "Hey." Niall croaked out, tears finding their way to Michael's eyes at the sound and a lump formed in his throat, making it difficult to get words out.

"How's Mikey?" Niall asked because he was told Michael was burnt too, making him worry. "I-I-I'm fine Niall, just got burnt on my shoulder, face and arms a bit." Michael shrugged, "Can I see?" He asked and Michael bent down, rolling up his sleeves and showing his arms. "Makes you look tough." Niall chuckled hoarsely, making Michael smile as he sat down.

"Can you get the book?" Niall croaked, "Gone with the Wind." Michael clarified for Liam before he went downstairs to get it. Niall took in a sharp breath and Michael stood up, "Ni, you alright?" He asked in worry, "Fine, just hurts sometimes. The doctors said I won't be able to walk again neither." He mumbled. "You know Mikey I've been thinking about what the docs been sayin'." Niall mumbled, "And I-I don't wanna die. I've haven't seen 'nough yet. That time we went to the church was the only time I've been outta town." He croaked, "You're gonna be alright Niall." Michael chocked out, "What if I'm not?" He mumbled, "You'll be fine Niall, you'll be fine." Michael chocked out, a couple tears sliding down his face just as Liam walked in the room and he put the book down.

"Niall, your mum wants to see you." A nurse cooed, "I don't wanna see her." Niall stated. "But she's your mother." The nurse cooed, "I don't wanna see her, she'll just yell at me and-" Niall began, but passed out before he could finish and Michael jumped up.

"Is he okay?" He rushed out and the nurse nodded, "Yeah, he's fine." She cooed and Michael left the room, holding in tears.

"What do you mean he doesn't wanna see me?!" Mrs.Horan screamed, making Michael wince and Liam walked over to her. "He doesn't wanna see ya you bitch! Get that through your damn skull!" Liam screamed, "Go to hell!" He cried as Michael began pulling him away, going to Louis's room and seeing him laying in bed, looking fine.

"Hey guys." He smiled, Michael giving a small smile and Louis coaxed him over. "How do those scars feels tough boy?" He smirked and Michael shrugged, "They hurt a bit." He mumbled. "How's Niall doing?" Louis asked, "Not good man, he passed out cold before we left." Liam shrugged and Louis sighed, lighting up a cigarette.

"You still have that knife Li?" He asked and Liam nodded, taking out the switchblade and handing it to Louis. "We are gonna win this rumble for Niall, we're doing it for Niall." He mumbled, sounding messed up in the head.

Michael and Liam said their goodbyes, both of them walking to the bus stop and Michael sat down, a little woozy. "You okay Mike?" Liam asked as he noticed his face go paler, "I'll be fine, I'll just take some aspirin when I get home." Michael mumbled as he rubbed his temples, "If Ashton finds out I let you fight while you're ill he's gonna kill me dead." Liam mumbled as they got on the bus, going to Michael's house.

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