First Battle

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We too drew our sword, preparing for a fight. This would be the first I had fought someone. Although my father has taught me well, I had never properly put it into practice, but it was too late now. I just hoped that I had enough knowledge to stay alive; my adventure had just begun.

"Come on, Jack, you're not getting to old to fight now, are ye'?" The leader teased, getting awfully close. There was one for each of us.

"Who are you calling old?" Jack gasped lunging forward, beginning the fight.

We all commenced to fight, the sound of swords clashing together filled the room. No one would know we were fighting as the noise coming from the tavern was so loud, meaning that if we wanted to get out if this alive, we would have to fight hard.

For my first time fighting, I thought I was doing well. The adrenaline was making my heart beat rapidly and my senses were on high alert, giving me the advantage I needed. I swung fiercely against the man I was fighting, knocking him back onto the floor. He swung his leg under mine, causing me to fall and drop my sword. He still had his as he pinned me down, holding it to my neck. Using all of my strength, I released my hand from his grasp and punched him in the face. This distracted him enough that I could grab the sword to my neck and my own. Kicking his stomach, he fell onto his back. I placed my foot on his chest, pointing the swords towards him. He could still harm me though, so I hit him around the head with the handle of the sword. I wasn't ready to make my first kill yet.

Mr Gibbs seemed to be handling things well whereas Jack was on the other side of the room, struggling. I rushed over, jumping in the back of the leader causing him to spin around, flailing his arms. He slammed me against the wall repeatedly until I was able to place the sword around his neck. I slowly got off of him, still with the sword against his neck, despite the pain in my back .

"Ah, you see old friend, beaten by a girl." Jack smirked.

"Excuse me? Women are as strong as men you know." I butted in.

"Not now, luv." He dismissed me, waving his hand at me."You and your men need to stay away from me, I don't have what you want."

"You're lying."

"Scarlett, release him."

I slowly did so, wondering why he wanted to let him go. The man stayed still but rubbed his neck

"Go to your Captain and tell him that he better not get into my business."

"He wants to meet you. He wants to talk to you."

"Not everyone can get what they want."


Jack had demanded some men from the tavern to take many barrels from the storage and to his ship. They seemed unfazed by the three unconscious bodies on the floor, doing as Jack said; how he did this, I did not know. I followed everyone around, my heart still beating fast after everything, making it hard for me to calm down.

"Come on, lass, ye look like ye could use a drink." Mr Gibbs offered, guiding me back into the tavern.

The rest of our men were sat around a table, still drinking but their women were not there. They looked annoyed, sadly drinking their rum. Mr Gibbs and I joined them at the table, feeling our muscles relaxing.

"Bloody hell, what happened to you lot?" Tricks asked, taking another swig of his drink.

"Some old affairs came up." Mr Gibbs stated, calling a serving lady over.

"Wait, Scarlett fought?" Another piped up.

"Yes, what's so surprising about that?" I defended myself.

"Nothing! It's just..."

"Just what?"

"I didn't think you had it in you."

"Just because I'm a woman, that does not mean I can't handle a sword."

"Yes, I know, but-"

"Look, mate, you might as well shut up and drink up your rum." Lenny interrupted.

"So, where did your friends go?" I asked smirking as a woman handed me a drink.

"W-we sent them away." One stuttered.

"You mean, they found someone else with money?"

The men just grumbled in response. We all sat drinking away, now in silence. Barrels of rum were still being rolled out of the tavern and no one noticed. Jack seemed to have forgotten that we had ever had a fight in the back room too.

"Mr Gibbs," I got his attention,"do fights like that happen often?"

"Fights like that? Nah, lass," he started. I breathed a sigh of relief,"they're usually much bigger."

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