Sail Away

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I filled in some form that Mr Gibbs had given to me. As I did t realised what I was getting myself into. I was going to become a pirate, a criminal, if my parents ever found out they'd kill me (unless I was hanged first). But this was the only way I would be able to leave England and visit distant lands. Besides, I could always leave to join another ship if I felt like I was on trouble.

Stepping onto the deck was a weird feeling, but maybe that was the adrenaline causing it. There were already men on the ship, looking at me strangely. Walking over towards them, they stopped their whispering and turned to face me. Though I was nervous, I decided that I had to make friends on this ship, the voyage would be awful otherwise.

"Uh, hello. I'm Scarlett Pearl." I stuck my hand out for someone to shake but no one bothered. Retracting my hand, I cleared my throat."I know that you don't like the idea of a woman being on board but you have to say least give me a chance."

One of the men turned to face the others and they all nodded."Alright lass, we'll give you a chance. We're going to be stuck with each other for long time so we might as well get along. Come with me."

I followed the man down some stairs, hoping that this wasn't some trick. We went lower and lower until we arrived as a huge room full of hammocks. This wasn't what I had in mind. The man laughed at my face.

"It's not a four poster bed, I'll give you that, but it will suffice." He swung one of them.

"Right. You never told me your name."


"That's not a name.

"But that's what they call me."

I chuckled."Strange name. So, where are we going?"

"None of us know."

"I hope it's somewhere interesting. I can't wait to get out of here."

"Running away?"

"Sort of. My father travelled around the world and he sort of inspired me."

"He was a pirate too?"

"No, he was an explorer, part of the Navy. He stopped when he met my mother though."

"Oh, women, always getting in the way." I could see him smirking.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that."

Another crew member hurried down the stairs."The Captain's on board, he's ordered everyone on top deck."

I dumped my bags by an empty hammock and followed Tricks back up the stairs. There were more men now, all of them had gathered before the wheel of the ship where a figure had his back to us. No one knew who their Captain was but there were whispers going around. Mr Gibbs called everyone to silence before he started speaking to everyone.

"Welcome new crew members to the Black Pearl! I am Mr Gibbs, considered second in command when it matters most. Now, this is your Captain."

The figure turned around, smirking to himself."Captain Jack Sparrow, at your service. Well, no actually, you're at mine."

He walked down the stairs, swaying a little. The Captain looked at us all, frowning a little at some. As he approached me, his pace slowed down, and his smile returned.

"Mr Gibbs!" He called the man over to him."You know that this is a female."

"Yes Jack." Mr Gibbs seemed confused.

"Is she my present?"

Gasping, I slapped him around his cheek."How dare you!"

He rubbed his cheek."I think you'll be right at home on here. What's your name?"

"Scarlett Pearl, Captain."

"I'm going to make an exception for you, you can just call me Jack."

"I think that that would be inappropriate."

"Have it your way, luv."


"So, miss Pearl," I heard Jack say as he walked up to me. I was on the top deck, scrubbing away just like the other men,"what brings you into my ship?"

"I'm looking for an adventure." I simply replied.

"You seem very well acquainted with the talk of pirates."

"My father sailed too. He was not a pirate but he talked in the way you do."

"Have you been on a ship before? You're handling these rough seas better than most of the other men."

It was true. As we had set off, we had been warned of the roughness of our journey. The men had thought nothing of it until they felt the swaying of the ship, turning their skin green as their stomach churned. There were about five or six who had their heads overboard whilst throwing up their insides to the sea below them.

"My father and I would take his small boat out, sometimes we would go fishing too."

"You know, I thought you were going to be a bother but you're actually better than most of these men put together. Good work."

As he walked off, my eyes met with Tricks', he looked a little confused. We both sighed, sitting back on our legs.

"The Captain seems to have taken an interest in you." He said, rubbing his blistered hands.

"He's only interested in one thing...well two things." I also looked down at my disgusting hands.

"Be careful, it won't be just him that will try that with you."

"I know. But I can defend myself."

"Whatever you say miss."


The Captain had ordered half of us to get some rest whilst the other half stayed on watch, we would swap later in the night. As I followed the others down the many steps, Jack called me back up. The others looked at me strangely before returning to their hammocks. Surprisingly, I had made white a few friends out of the crew which was a big advantage for me.

Jack led me upstairs again and we were in the more plush area of the ship. I guessed this was where he lived. But if he was leading me to his room, I had to leave now.

"Uh, Captain, what am I doing up here?" I asked, slowing down.

"We're not doing that, luv...well, unless you want to that is." He turned his head a little winking at me.

"I think you already know the answer to that."

"Look, I'm giving you you're own room, and this isn't favouritism. I'm just keeping you safe."

"I'm sure that the men-"

"The men won't be able to think for themselves."

"But they'll think-"

"Just shut up and take the room."

"Thank you."

"You owe me a favour now."

Oh god.

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