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"Jack...Jack, I didn't know you had a twin." I slurred.

"Me neither!" he exclaimed.

We had been drinking rum since we had been stranded. There was quite a lot of it and I don't think we were even halfway through. Somehow, we had made a fire for us which we were now laid down next to. I rolled onto my front, propping up into my elbows.

"So, Captain Sparrow," I took his hat and put it on my head,"tell me a story. I'm sure you've had many lovers in your life."

"Aye, luv, care to join the list."

Ignoring him, I carried on."But have you ever thought about marriage. I don't think I know of any pirates who are or were married."

"Well, I almost made that mistake. Her name was Angelica. I met her in a Spanish convent-"

"What were you doing in a convent? I don't see you as the religious type."

"I thought it was a brothel, easy mistake to make." He waved it off."Anyway, she grew up there and was about to take her vows when I came along. We were engaged. And then she could no longer take her vows."

"Oh, so"

"'Took her innocence'? Well, that's one way to put it."

"So what happened?"

"I left her at the altar."

"What!? Why?!"

"Unknown circumstances as far as she is concerned. She wasn't too happy about it though."

"Do you know where she is?"

"She's a pirate now. But I've been avoiding her, seeing as she wants to kill me."

I laughed."That's you all over."

"It isn't funny! I could be dead."

"Come on, Jack, you can't blame her. I'd do the same if I was her."

"Why are women so touchy about everything?"

"We aren't. You men just don't have a lot of emotion."


I woke the next morning, arms wrapped around me whilst my arms were wrapped around a bottle of rum. Sitting up, I saw a sleeping Jack next to me. The fire was out now, just a heap of black ash. Standing up, I felt my head pounding, the bright sun blinding me. Everything hurt so I sat down again.

"Hangover luv?" Jack spoke.

"Shh, not so loud. Can the sea be quiet too pease?"

"If I had control over the sea, I would stop it for you. But I'm just a drink pirate so I can't. Come on, let's get in the shade."

He dragged me towards the palm trees, the cool shade helping a tiny bit with my headache.

"How are we going to get off of this island then?" I asked Jack.


He walked towards the sea, pulling out his gun and pointed it towards the sky. The noise hurt my head so much that I thought I was dying. He then waved his arms around in the air, jumping up and down like a maniac. At first, I was confused as to why he was doing that when I saw a ship turning around towards us.

"You see luv? We'll be off of this island soon enough."

Luckily, it was just a merchant ship full of lovely, merciful men. They reminded me of Tricks and the rest of the men who I had befriended. It made me feel guilty that they were stuck under Barbosa's orders. As Jack and I remained below deck, eating the food provided, I thought more and more about it.

"Jack?" I said.

"Yes miss Pearl?"

"How are we going to get your ship back?"

"Easy," he pulled a compass out of his pocket and showed it to me,"this will take us there."

"Do you know where they're going?"


"So how will a compass help us? It doesn't even point North."

"It shows you what you want the most inn this world and points you in the right direction."

"Right, let me guess, you got it from some voodoo woman?"

"Something like that."

"Look, we need to get back to the ship as soon as we can. Barbosa is going to be torturing them."

"Of course luv, of course."

"I'm serious. I know it's going to be dangerous but those men are in danger."

"You have my word darling."

"Do I? You did leave a woman at the altar, how do I know you won't leave me?"

"Because you're not intimidating luv."

"Excuse me, Captain Sparrow, but I'm probably the most intimdating person you have ever met!"

"Then you clearly haven't met Angelica."

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