Medical Emergency

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"We need to keep moving, if we stop they'll find us." Ragnar announced as he kept on moving with me in his arms.

"We'll get even more lost! We need to work out where we're going first." Tricks retaliated.

"You want this woman to live? You keep moving."

        I couldn't have my say as my brain wouldn't let me speak. All that came out was mumbles and groans of pain. I wouldn't know what to suggest in this situation either. How would I know how to get back?

"Captain, aren't you going to say anything? Captain?" Tricks called out.

       Ragnar turned to face the crew which meant I could see them too. Jack was no where in sight. Had he just abandoned us? Everyone looked around trying to spot him but no one could. I started to panic. Where the hell had be gone?

"It's alright lads, I know where to go." Jack could be heard but not seen. We all looked like idiots trying to find him."Up here you maggots."

         Our eyes looked towards the sky and we finally found our captain. He had somehow scrambled up a tree in a matter of seconds trying to figure out where the ship was. He looked like his usual idiot.

"We shall head that way!" he confidently pointed before climbing back down.

"You know that we won't be walking in a straight line? It's impossible to. You're slowing us down." he started to walk again.

"Ah, the my friend is where you are wrong." he produced a compass.

"What good will that do?"

"This," he showed it to everyone as if it was a precious diamond,"shows you what your heart desires. I desire my ship and that is where we shall be heading."

"Just let him to his thing." I croaked out. If it got us out of here in time I would try anything.

"Listen to the lass, she's got her be in switched on." Jack started to walk until Ragnar shouted to him.

"She's delusional, she doesnt know what she's saying."

"Mind your tongue. She is a goddess, don't you know?"

         I had no recollection of what happened as we trekked through the forest. There would be times where we thought we heard something or someone coming after us which would slow us down. Jack continued to guide us, staring at his broken compass. I hoped that this wasn't all a trick or stalling so the Jack could get away from Ragnar and his crew. Speaking of which, it seemed strange that they were helping us. They could have just ran off and left us for dead. Something was going on here, however, I was too exhausted to ask questions right now.

        As I was being carried my line was vision was mainly looking up towards the sky. But I couldn't even see the sky. Everything was green. It was starting to annoy me, I thought I would never see another colour ever again. Trees were condensed together with their huge leaves to hide any sky but their were streams of light coming through. I thought there would at least be flowers somewhere.

        Our two crews grew tired too. After all the running and fighting we had to do it wasn't a surprise. The heat never swayed and their was no breeze making it harder to carry on. I just wanted to sleep but I knew that I could cause further harm to myself. We didn't know what I had injured yet though I prayed that we would make it back soon.

"Oh my god, is that a clearing up ahead?" a man cried out.

       We all burst into cheers as we ran towards the beach up ahead. Ragnar tried to keep up but knew it would hurt if he carried on at a fast pace. The sun beams along with the sea breeze was welcomed with open arms, our ship waiting for us in the ocean. Everything seemed so perfect until Jack opened his mouth.

"Lads, it has been a pleasure." he bowed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ragnar staggered up to Jack with me still in his arms.

"We really appreciate the help but it is time to be heading back to my ship."

"You promised us that if we successfully rescued Scarlett and made it back to the ship then we would join your crew and half the gold we stole."

"You took their gold!?" I exclaimed.

"We may have taken a little..." Jack hesitated."It was only to compensate for what they did to us, insurance and all that."

"So they're double pissed at us now." I groaned.

"If you don't keep your end of the bargain, the girl stays with us."

"Fine then let's go." Lenny started marching towards the ship until he was dragged back by Tricks.

"Jack, it's a win-win situation here. We still have half the gold and more members. We'll be good on numbers in case anything bad happens."

         We all watched Jack as he thought about his choices. I prayed that he wouldn't leave me behind, those priests could find me again. And we're they still after us? If so then wouldn't it make more sense to get on with this decision before we were all killed!?

"Jack, ye can't really be thinkin' about this? Tis a simple decision." Mr Gibbs urged him.

"Oh fine! Everyone onto the ship." Jack huffed.

        The men sprinted towards the shore splashing about in the water as we got closer. Ragnar threw me over his shoulder before climbing up the ladder. I felt relief wash over me as we stepped onto the Black Pearl. The men left behind seemed confused as another crew clambered on board but said nothing. Jack started up the orders to get us going.

        I heard Ragnar's men rejoicing as they realised that they were leaving the island. He carried me below deck asking me where my room was. I directed him there and as we entered he laid me on the bed. Mr Gibbs appeared in the door way getting ready to assess the damage.

I called out to Ragnar as he walked away."Ragnar? Thank you."

        He nodded to me before he exited the room. Mr Gibbs started to check my body and clean the blood off of me. I winced every time he touched my skin, there were red patches which would soon turn into bruises.

"Ah lass, ye have been through a lot." he sighed as he finished, holding my hand.

"What they were saying made no sense. They were so adamant that I was their goddess. You should have seen what happened."

"What? What happened?"

        I proceeded to tell him about the book suddenly changing it's markings and that it was the priests who caused the temple to start collapsing. What did they think would happen? If I was a goddess then wouldn't I survive? They would have surely died, would they have sacrificed themselves to kill the others?

"That be that black magic. Ye can never be too careful with that."

"I just couldn't believe it. I've never seen anything like that in my life."

"And ye sure that ye was a part of this?"

"Yes! It was my face in the books, the way they spoke to me and about didn't seem like it was fake."

"Well, be weary about yarself now. Take extra precaution. Anyway, we be taking dock in about a days time, we'll need more supplies if we be really taking these lads on board."

"Do you think they'll stay?"

"Hopefully not. That there Ragnar b a scary man, and he used to be a captain, he'll miss the power."

"Why can't we just have one day where our lives aren't threatened?"

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