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"What lovely lads." Jack smiled as we left the ship. They had dropped us off at their next port. However, as we stepped off, I recognised where we were.

"No, Jack, we can't stop here. We have to get back on that ship!" I gasped.

"What? Look, I know you love sailing the seven seas but we have to find out where my ship is."

"You don't understand-"

"Come along Miss Pearl, I hear a pint of rum calling my name."

"Jack, would you listen to me!?" I screamed.

He seemed scared."I'm listening."

"This is my home, where I ran away from."

"Oh...well you never know, they might be happy to see you."

"I doubt it. Especially when they see me with a pirate."

"Excuse me?!"

"No offence, but pirates don't have the best reputation."

"True. But my dear Scarlett, we have to find another ship headed in the same direction as that of my own."

He could see I was shaking.

Grabbing my hand, he dragged me towards the town, receiving strange glances at the two strangers. None of these people at the port were of my town luckily. But I was soon going to face them.

Jack let go of my hand and readjusted his hat as we passed the sign post. My heart was beating uncontrollably, I was going to pass someone and they would surely recognise me. Jack didn't seem fazed despite my nervous physique. As we came to the town centre, I saw the busy market stalls busy with their trades. We passed through the crowds and all I heard was whispers and gasps.

A hand landed on my shoulder and spun me around."Gosh, Scarlett is that you!?" it was my neighbour, Mrs Keels.

"Yes, I-"

"You best get home, your parents have been a mess since you left." a number of people had stopped moving and were watching us.

"I will but-"

"There have been many rumours you know, I think it would be best if you cleared the air."

"Alright," I sighed and stood on top of an empty crate,"everyone listen!"

The people there were already looking, waiting to see what the young woman of the town had been up to; probably praying that there was something really scandalous going on.

"A lot of you know me, I'm Scarlett Pearl if you don't. And yes, I ran away from home to sail across the world. This here," I pointed at Jack who goofily smiled and waved,"is my captain, nothing more. We are stranded at the moment, so if anyone has any information that they think may help us, please come forward now or later. But I can assure you, that any gossip that has spread throughout the town is more than likely false. Ok....I'm going to get down now."

I jumped off of the crate and shoved Jack away from the market. There was no need to stay, I knew where we were going. Surprisingly, he said nothing as I guided him towards our next destination.

"This isnt a pub, you know that?" Jack commented as we stood outside of my home. I didn't respond."Scarlett?"

"Jack, uh...I'll meet you in the pub. Just give me ten minutes." I mumbled. Without questioning me, he hesitantly walked away.

Slowly but surely, I walked up to the front door, opening it. It made the usual creaking noise that was oh so familiar to me. Walking further in, I heard a pounding noise come from the kitchen; mother was most likely baking, I could smell freshly made dough. I stood in the doorway of the kitchen, feeling a strange sensation in my stomach. It was home sickness and guilt.

She finally looked up and gasped, running over to me. I thought she was going to hug me but she slapped me across my face instead.

'Yeah, I definitely deserved that.'

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO US?!" she screamed so loudly that I cringed.

"Mother, I-"


I felt a pang in my chest, both from sadness and guilt. I hadn't thought about how this would affect them. Their reputation was probably in pieces as much as they were. But I was happy, wasn't that all that mattered?

"MOTHER!" I shouted over her before calming down."Where's father? I wanted to speak to both of you."

Just as I had finished my sentence, he walked through the door, sighing as he walked in the room. Doing a double take on me, he ran over and hugged me. I hugged him back, hating that I had done this to them.

"Where have you been young lady?! Dont you know how much we've been worried about you!" he yelled. Great, this again.

"I left you that note-"

"A note does not justify your actions."

"Father! You know how much I've always wanted to get out of this town and go exploring, just like you and those before us! And now I have and it's only just beginning."

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" my mother screamed.

"I wasn't meant to come here, it was just by coincidence. But if you think I'm staying then you are very wrong."

My dad sighed."Well, we can't stop you."

"What!? Yes we can! I am not-"

"Thank you father." I walked over to my mother."Mother, you have always told me that you just want me to be happy, and I'm most happy out there on the sea."

"I worry about you, what if you run into pirates?!"

"That won't ever happen." I lied.

"You cant be sure."

"Yes I can, my captain is a great leader."

A loud crash came from outside along with angry shouting. My name was being called and I mentally groaned. He just had to ruin the moment, didn't he? As we went to see what was happening, so did everyone else.

"Scarlett! A little help would be required right now!" Jack shouted as he was grabbed by two men.

"What happened? I leave you for two minutes and you get yourself in trouble already." I gasped.

"He thought he could get away with his rude remarks towards me and my friend here." one man exclaimed.

"Look, he didn't mean it, he's just a drunk sailor who has no common sense."


"Shut up, I'm saving your ass."

"Scarlett how do you know this man?" father asked.

"This....this is my captain, Jack Sparrow."

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