The Voodoo Woman

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We pulled up to a hut, Jack stepped out of the boat before offering a hand out to me. I narrowed my eyes at him, still not sure about this.

"I'm not moving until you tell me why we're here." I crossed my arms, pouting in anger.

"Luv, I haven't got time for this. We would be here for a long night." he looked angry, like he wasn't going to take any shit from anyone tonight.

Although I was still hesitant, I knew that he was serious about this and reluctantly took his hand. He helped me out of the boat, steadying me when I almost toppled over. It seemed harsh but I pushed him away, still angry with him. How the hell was I supposed to trust him about all this when I didn't even know what was happening?

Without a word being said between us he started to climb the ladder that didn't seem to be in tact; unsure about the stability I carefully climbed up after him. Jack knocked on the door and walked in. Following him I couldn't believe what I saw before me. You could tell that it was a house of black magic, the whole vine screamed it. It was a complete mess, nothing really had a place. Maps, scrolls and books piled up on the tables, cages with exotic animals hung from the ceiling along with dirty jars filled with who knows what, beads were wrapped around certain furniture and candles filled whatever space was left. It was a lot to take in. My mouth was open in shock and wonder as I slowly turned around in a circle, fascinated by the things around me.

"You have brought trouble Jack Sparrow, why would you torment me like this?" a voice with a thick Jamaican accent emitted from the shadows.

"Tia Dalma," he smirked,"I've never brought trouble to you before have I?"

She hummed in response."Aren't 'ya gonna to introduce me?"

"Well you already know who she is so what would be the point?"

She frowned a little."Because it be polite." she made her way towards me."Tia Dalma, I'm not sure whether it be a pleasure to meet on such circumstances."

She clasped my hand in hers. I was confused by her statement. Was I the evil she was talking about? Her dress was made up of different fabrics, multiple necklaces hanged around her neck, she had huge, long dreadlocks that almost covered her face; underneath her eyes and chin were black dots, perhaps some sort of tattoo to do with her voodoo? Tia was also looking me over, though I couldn't judge the look on her face. She started to circle me, I wasn't quite sure what to do.

"Uh, I'm Scarlett Pearl." I replied.

"Yes. I know."

Jack decided to step in."So you know why we're here. What can you do?"

"Wait, I don't know what's happening! Can somebody please explain?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"She don' know!?" Tia explained.

"Well, I thought that you could maybe break it to her." he smiled at her hopefully.

"Ye can't keep this from her Jack. Miss Pearl, follow me."

She took me further into her home. I glared at Jack, trying to hide the fact that I was terrified. If this was anything like those priests then I didn't want to be there. Maybe that's what this was about! It had to be. Tricks had mentioned that Mr Gibbs thought all my days of sleeping was due to the priests. But what could Tia do to me? And how was I a great evil?

We sat down at one of her tables where the tension in the room suddenly got thicker. I never once looked at Jack, just Tia. She took in a deep breath, her eyes rolling back a little.

"You don' know, do yer'?" She asked me.

"Don't know what?"

"The power ye' posess. Yer' future holds a lot of danger though."

"Danger? I'm not surprised, I'm sailing the seven seas with Jack Sparrow."

"Captain Jack Sparrow." Jack added.

Tia kept her seriousness."No, this be a different danger. Yer' gonna be in serious trouble, someone is gonna av' to sacrifice themselves for ye'."

"What do you mean by sacrifice? You don't mean somebody being killed so you?"

"I don' know for sure, Miss Pearl. All I know is that ye' need to be very, very careful. Even with your guardian watchin' over ye'."

"You're just confusing me even more! Why can't you just tell me what's going to happen? Who is this guardian you're on about?"

"Too many questions Miss Pearl."

"Because this is scaring me!"

"And ye' should be. A lot if things are comin' yer' way and they ain't gonna be pretty."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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