Locked Away

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"Grab him!" my father suddenly shouted.

Two men held him tightly in their arms, whilst another pointed a gun at him. The crowd that had formed gasped, whispering about the pirate.

"Father, what are you doing?" I stood in front of him.

"He's a wanted pirate. You're putting yourself in danger by being near him."

"Jack is not a danger to me. If he was, I would have come back, wouldn't I?"

My father sent me a look, knowing that I was lying.

"Take him to the prison, we'll see what the navy has to say about this."

They dragged him away but I ran after them. Jumping onto one the men's back, I screamed in his ear, punching him round the face. He fell to the floor with me on top of him, though I continued to throw punches at him. Knowing that he wouldn't fight back, I went for the next man but Jack had it covered. We ran alongside each other, trying to get through the crowd before they realized what was happening. However, there were too many people and we heard marching getting closer.

"Scarlett," my father grabbed me again,"Scarlett he's not worth it."

A few navy soldiers arrived, immediately putting shackles on Jack. They knew who he was which wasn't a good thing.


"Mr Pearl," a male voice spoke, emerging from the group of soldiers,"if you do not make your daughter stay quiet, she shall join Mr Sparrow in the cells."

"Yes, Captain Hawkes." my father's voice quietened, pulling me back.

"No!" I broke out of the tight grip on me."We haven't done anything! We'll leave, I promise."

"This man has comitted many crimes and is yet to go on trial. Now unless you would like to join him-" the captain argued.

"I'm so sorry Captain, forgive my daughter. This man has corrupted her thoughts after kidnapping her."

"What!? He did no such-"

"Shut up!" my father spat, covering my mouth as he turned me around, dragging me away from the scene.


I struggled against the rope that tied me to my old bed. My parents knew I wouldn't stay put, though I did see some sort of guilt in their faces (or at least I hoped so). For now, I did not care how much noice or disruption I was making, I needed to go and help Jack. He would be gone by morning, they wouldn't even bother giving him a trial, it would be straight to the noose.

"Oh, you fucking beauty!" I gasped as the ropes finally loosened.

Rubbing my red wrists, I thought about my next plan of action. My parents were trying to set the record straight with our next door neighbours standing outside as they had heard the rumours going around. Peeking out of my window, I could hear them having a heated discussion, meaning they would be arguing for just that bit longer.

Sneaking downstairs, I found my father's old sword which was displayed proudly above our fireplace and a gun that was loaded beside it. Strapping these onto me, I sneaked a look outside again, they were still talking. I'd have to go out the back way. The back door creaked a little as I opened it but no one would pay attention. The only problem I had to face now was getting Jack out of the prisons down by the dock.

It was taking me longer to get to the docks as I had to go down the backs of houses and through a maze of alleyways. I couldn't risk someone seeing me, they would immediately tell my parents or alert a guard. The The entrance to the jail cells were in sight as I hid in the mouth of an alleyway. I tried to llan his I would get him out of there but I had no answers. I had never done this sort if thing before and it was going to get me killed.

"Miss Pearl!" a voice whispered before grabbing me.

I almost let out a scream before a grubby hand covered my mouth. They turned me around and I saw it was Mr Gibbs. My eyes widened at the shock of him being here. Once he removed his hand, I opened my mouth to ask a question but he raised a finger.

"Questions later. I be getting ye out of this mess now. Follow me."

"What about Jack? He's still locked up!"

"Did I not make meself clear?"

I don't know how he did it, but Mr Gibbs was able to sneak me into the docks, showing us our ship;the Black Pearl. As I went to ask how we got it back, I remembered that now was not the time. Tricks rushed up to me, engulfing my petite body in his arms. I embraced him, glad to see that he was alive. Our reunion was cut short when we heard our ever so admired captain running down the pier and towards the ship.

Behind him were four soldiers, trying to catch up to him. We all felt the ship move, slowly drifting away from the harbour; Jack wasn't going to make it.

"Hold the ladder overboard!" I yelled to a man stood next to it.

The ladder draped over the side, swinging as the wind caught it. He was so close, he could make it.

"Come on, Jack, come on." I whispered to myself as he got to end of the pier.

A scream escaped him as he leapt off of the pier, diving straight for the rope. He just caught it in time, hitting the side of the ship hard. The soldiers started to shoot their guns at us, we all ducked whilst Jack scrambled up the ladder and over the side of the ship.

"You are an idiot!" I shouted as Jack's body hit the floor. He tried to move away from me but I stopped him."But thank god you're ok."

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