Time to give birth

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Jack:today is the day we get to meet our little guy. Madison has to give birth because the baby was already full grown. I help Madison to the car then get Summer we get in the car driving to the hospital. Once we get there the doctors give her a room she puts on her hospital gown than lays down.
Then the nurse comes in to check and see if she's dilated.

Nurse:"ok she's dilated to 10"I say getting on my doctors coat and gloves.

Madison:"Jack"I say nervously.

Jack:"shhh babe ur gonna be fine"I say and I hold her left hand and summer holds her other hand.

Nurse:"ok on the count of 3 push"I say"1...2...3"I say and she pushes"I see the head one more push"I say and she pushed and I grab the baby going to the little bed cleaning him up get him dressed and take a picture of him then hand him to Madison.

Madison:"hey baby boy I'll always love u and you'll always be my first child"I cry and kiss his cold little head and hand him to Jack and cry in my hands.

Jack:"hey baby boy I'm so happy me and mommy got to see you I'll always love u Grayson Gilinsky"I say with my voice cracking and I kiss his purple finger tips same with his cold head and hand him to summer.

Summer:I smiles its tears streaming down my face I hold Grayson to my chest,he's so cold and I just bust into tears and the nurse takes him away wrapping his whole body in a blanket and I see Madison is already dressed to go home I walk over and hug her crying in her neck and Jack hugs the bother of us. After my I stop crying well me and Madison we walk out to the car and go home.

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