Chapter 2: Mal de Mer

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                                   CHAPTER 2: MAL DE MER

The plane ride to SHIELD's base was pretty boring. That was until about twenty minutes before they landed. For most of the ride Rosie had been trying to figure out exactly who the blonde man in front of her was, who may she add was very nicely cut. She had seen him before and it hadn't been just once. Everything about him seemed familiar even his face was just ingrained in her memory but she just couldn't figure it out, at least not until Agent Coulson started talking to him.

"It's an honor to meet you. I mean really meet you I was there watching while you were sleeping." That made her stifle back laughter. Really, Phil? Rosie looked over to the man across from her but he wasn't disturbed at all, in fact he seemed to find it funny. She wondered how often he had people staring at him in her sleep.

Meanwhile Agent Coulson tried to fix his creepy mistake almost immediately, "I mean I was present when you were unconscious... in the ice." That was still bad just not as bad as I watch you while you sleep. She didn't know if she was more worried about Phil's social skills or the fact this man had been on ice. "Really it's just a huge honor to have you on board." He sounded like a twelve year old fan at their favorite concert.

Rosie felt bad for the poor Agent so she decided to help by gently brushing the subject off, "Phil just stop now before it gets too bad." Agent Coulson blushed and suddenly it hit her who the sad man was, she had read something about finding him frozen somewhere in the arctic region. Captain America, huh? That would be interesting, this was her brother's absolutely favorite superhero.

Suddenly there was a budding of admiration in the pit of her stomach as the original superhero nostalgically looked out the front window of the small aircraft, "I just hope I'm the man for the job."

"Oh yes of course you're the man for the job." Classic Fan. Though Rosie felt a little sad that Phil didn't think she was the man for the job, but she wasn't his hero and they'd just met. Phil loved Captain America not her. 

She would have to work her way up to necessary and liked team member. If anything most of these SHIELD agents would probably hate her for everything she did, sometimes she even hated her. Aware that she would have to start making friends, she hesitantly stood up and a wave of nausea rushed over her: so maybe flying wasn't her forte. With on hand on the wall for balance, she stuck her other one straight out and introduced herself, "I'm Rosie, also on this poorly named Avengers team."

"Hello ma'am. I'm Steve it's a pleasure to meet you."

"You too." She smiled sickly; the movement of the small plane exacerbating the motion sickness. Paler than normal she sat back down on the bench and tried to work through her sickness, so when Phil spoke up to Steve about costumes she didn't make a peep.

"We made a few modifications to your uniform. I had a little design input," Coulson said proudly, his mind raking over his costume decisions. This agent reminded her exactly of her brother only older and in a suit.

"Same uniform? As in stars and stripes? Don't you think that's a little old fashioned, sir?" That was ironic... or at least Rosie thought that it was ironic considering the man himself was old fashioned.

"With all due respect I think that a little old fashioned is exactly what the people need right now." Rosie knew exactly what she needed: a trash can, toothbrush, and a pair of sweats. But she did kind of want a uniform too.

"What did you say?" Agent Coulson asked from the front of the plane.

Oops looks like that was out loud and not in her head, "Just wondering if I get a uniform too."

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