Chapter 10: Feeling Like a Rag Doll

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                                CHAPTER 10: FEELING LIKE A RAG DOLL

The carrier flew off balance and sent Rosie flying into one of the neighboring walls, her glasses disappearing off her face. The impact was so powerful that she was knocked unconscious for a few minutes. When she finally opened her eyes her head was pounding, her eye sight was fuzzy, and her hearing was spotty but only one thought racing through her mind: One of the engines is down. She slowly pulled herself off the ground feeling quite dizzy. One of the engines is down. A blob-like and blurry Fury took off in the direction of the control room and fuzzy Thor regained composure on the other side of the room. I need to get to the control room. Those were the only two people she could--kind of-- see though. After a few seconds she realized that Tony and someone else must have rushed to fix the engine though that left two other Avengers to be hurt somewhere. Hopefully Bruce was still Bruce.

Slowly, but steady, she made her way to the control room after locating her cracked glasses and head piece. The whole way she was using the wall as a walking aid. When she did make her way into the control room, she climbed up to the platform that Fury and Hill where pacing on.  "Let me on the computer."

Fury looked a little reluctant but deep down he knew that using Rosie was the only way to keep the place in the sky. It did help that Tony speaking to Steve about the broken engine on the head piece. His first priority was keeping this helicarrier in the sky and if that meant letting her into the control room then he would do it.

As soon as he let her pass, Rosie nodded with any hint of sarcasm, "Good decision."

It was Agent Hill that blocked her way. "What do you think you're doing?"

Almost aware that this was going to happen Fury stared down Agent Hill and pulled her aside, "Do you want to keep this ship running?"

"This isn't the way to do it," Agent Hill whispered furiously at Fury. Something about letting a terrorist control SHIELD's computer systems was unnerving, even if she could help.

"Put aside your personal differences and understand that the only way we're getting out of this is if she can keep at least one of the engines running." He kept Hill aside as Rosie worked on the computer. If this carrier went down it would no doubt kill most people on board and anyone on the ground underneath. Doing what he could, Director Fury turned to the pilot, "Take us to the water."

The frantic pilot looked up completely flustered and explained, "We're flying blind. Navigation recovery after engine failure."

"Is the sun coming up?" Fury said in possibly his most intimidating tone.

"Yes sir." The poor pilot was shaking out of fear, Rosie was surprised he could answer.

"Then get us over water." The way the Director said it could make anyone feel stupid. His tone was very black and white and Rosie couldn't help but admire the control he had in the situation. "One more turbine goes down and we drop. I'd prefer that be over water." The pilot nodded like crazy and began to head the way of the sun. Once that was done Fury looked to Rosie, "Ms. Snow please get back to work."

"As you command Director," She winked at him suggestively than continued to work within SHIELD's database.

After a few minutes, Rosie looked up at Fury, red alarms were going off all over the command booth and she had to warn him, "We need evac on the lower level's the Hulk and Thor are ripped through them." So Bruce wasn't Bruce anymore. Hopefully he hadn't seriously hurt anyone, she didn't want Bruce to deal with this.

Fury was going to respond but Hill and him caught sight of something small being thrown in the room, "GRENADE!"

Rosie quickly tried to grip onto something to refrain from being thrown into another wall but instead of being thrown to the side, she was picked up and thrown back into the ground her head slamming hard against the metal floor. About now she got the feeling that her body was being used like a rag doll. She knew her body couldn't take being thrown around like this much longer. While she was still lying painfully on the ground two rival agents stalked into the room and through fuzzy eyes, this time with glasses still on but broken, she watched Fury and Hill disarm and take them out. The old man still got it.

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