Chapter 13: Otherside

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                                CHAPTER 13: OTHERSIDE

The fight had calmed down for a minute while the Chitauri were being bottle necked at the portal. This was were everyone took the time to regroup and make a strategy. Thor had returned to the ground after fighting with his brother and had received a very odd hug from Rosie, who was happy to see him alive. Tony was the only one present who was still in the sky, monitoring the sky. Even Steve, who was helping get people safely out of the city, returned.

"What's the story upstairs?" Steve asked Tony from the ear piece. Rosie knew that there was no doubt Steve had update the famous Man of Iron on the reason for her continued anger. Maybe that was the reason he refused to come to their group meeting thing-y, but most likely it had to do with being the only person to watch the skies.

Thor twirled his hammer around and answered for Tony, "The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." The poor guy had it hard, not only where the Chitauri a hard battle but so was fighting your brother. Speaking of siblings, her brother was down here somewhere. Mitchell was in the city, his fiancée and him moved here a few months ago for her to take an important firm job. He followed soon after with a new teaching job. Did he make it out of the city? Probably, that boy was unnaturally good at surviving.

"Thor's right." Tony scanned the perimeters and agreed with the big god, "We've got to deal with these guys."

"And how do we do that?" Nat chimed in. Rosie wasn't necessarily listening, not because she didn't want to but more because her attention span wasn't that large. Honestly she couldn't figure out why she was here anyway. Rosie Snow was a lover not a fighter-- but honestly not even a lover unless you included food.

"As a team," Steve said with a very sportsmen-like smile.

Not really happy with that answer, Thor stood frighteningly tall over Rosie to tell Steve, "I have unfinished business with Loki."

"Get in line," Clint nodded with a grimace, grabbing an arrow and notching it, after all he was the one who had been mentally assaulted by the man. 

"Save it," Steve cut the two off ready to give out the game plan. "Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need, without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need-"

The sound of an old motorbike cruising through the rubble stopped the Captain mid-sentence, the person stopped him mid-thought. It was none other than an oddly dressed Dr. Bruce Banner. "This all seems so... horrible," He could seem to find the right word to describe the torn down New York.

"I've seen worse." Nat whispered quietly from the back and Rosie remember hearing that Natasha was in the same room as Jekyll when he turned into Hyde. It must have been a terrifying experience, even for a spy of her caliber. The Hulk didn't take mind games well.

"Sorry." Bruce apologized, he could understand her hesitance, he never liked the Hulk either. Rosie on the other hand didn't get her behavior, she didn't show fear that easy, that's not how she was taught to proceed. 

"No, we could use a little worse." Ah there's why she was acting scared, to manipulate him into helping. That was her friend. 

From the side Steve clued Tony in on what was happening though it he probably could have guessed when he heard Bruce speak. "We've got him."

Through their ear piece they could hear Stark's reply, "Banner?"

"Just like you said."

"Tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you." As if waiting for this the entire time, Tony immediately responded a little cheerfully with a large whale ship following him their direction.

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