Chapter 15: Metal Spikes on a Turtle Shell?

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                                CHAPTER 15: METAL SPIKES ON A TURTLE SHELL?

"Did you score the goods?" Rosie's voice snaked through her boring hospital room, to her cousin who was sporting a nice leather jacket and a brown paper bag. Staying cooped up and bedridden in this hospital was completely boring. All she had was the television and her comfy colorful blanket, which one hand was gripping the blanket tightly the other grasping toward her cousin.

With a sigh Clint rolled his eyes at her over dramatic behavior, "You don't have to act like I'm giving you illegal drugs."

"Shhh--" Her finger shot up to her lips as she gave a shut him with a paranoid glance-- "You never know who's listening." Quickly she motioned up toward the security cameras in the corner of the room.

"Really?" Clint scoffed at the idea that Rosie would let anyone just watch them. "You're going to pretend you haven't hacked that camera and Fury isn't watching some other video you managed to conger up."

"You think too much of me." Even though she was participating in the conversation, she was really just staring longingly at the brown bag in his hand, "I can't reach the camera." Also attempting to reach that camera was out of the question: trust her, she tried.

"But you did something," He corrected her; it wasn't so much a question as a statement, she was the kid who would know all his emails without even touching his computer. There was one point that young Clint thought that his little cousin was magical.

"I didn't do anything."

"Then who did you force to do it?"

Ignoring his accusation, the antsy hacker hissed, "That is not why you're here. I don't need a parental speech." Her strange blue eyes, who Clint was beginning to notice had slightly changed, where more intently focused on the brown paper bag in his hand, "Really? Hand over the goods."

Silently he pulled the bag open and looked at the old games inside: "Why are these games so important to you? I took me forever to find them in your pig style. I had to dig through mounds of paper. I don't even understand what you even do with paper?"

"I don't care, and it's a secret." Like a spoiled eight year old, Rosie held her hands out and tried to reach the bag without grimacing in pain. "Now give me my games. Or I'm going to jump over this stupid bed and grab it right out of your hands."

"Threatening me is not the right way to go about getting your DS-"

"Lite. DS lite." She interceded to correct him.

"-DS lite. And I'm not sure how you are going to get to me with that IV and broken hip..." There was the classic Clint Barton smirk across his face as he teased his younger cousin.

"I'm magical, I can do whatever I want. Now hand over my property." When the bag was within her reach, she snatched it away so quickly that Clint was sure she took his hand off. They sat there silently for a few minutes as she popped a game in and turned up the volume so everyone could hear the classic Mario soundtrack.

A few minutes into her playing, an awkward Clint finally spoke up, "So that's it?"

"Oh." She looked up not to interested, "You're still here."

"Yes, Rose I'm still here." While it shouldn't shock him that she was more into her video game then him, he was still pretty shocked.

"Okay..." Quickly she hit a button to pause the game and music then looked at him expectantly, "Well do you have chocolate or something?"

"Why would I have chocolate?"

"Well you're still here so you must have something for me." It didn't take a genius to see that she was bored with the conversation.

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