Chapter 4: Galaga vs. Subway Surfers

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I would just like to let my readers know that this story will not be too long. Thanks for reading. Enjoy.



Practically every member of the Avenger's Initiative was gathered around the meeting table in the center of the control room except for Tony. Steve, Rosie, Nat, and Bruce were seated at the table while Thor was pacing rivets in the floor madly. Rosie had briefly met the Asgardian prince in the plane but she was too busy holding her food in her stomach. His pacing was adding to the quiet and solemn air in the room. For some reason no one was happy even though they had caught the bad guy. Everyone was silently watching the footage of Fury interrogating the cocky super villain, all except Rosie who was playing Subway Surfers on her phone. Below the table and under the radar, her favorite ways to play games. Though every once and while she had to bit back a screech as she dead. 

On the security camera, where Fury was speaking to the horned toad in a large tank, the director pressed a large button to reveal an opening under the cage. He had a mocking tone on his voice as he matched Loki's ego, "In case it's unclear, if you try an escape, if you do so much as scrape the glass. Thirty thousand feet straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?"

Sarcasm was one of the few things that Rosie liked about Fury. That and his heart, it seemed that he truly cared. Fury could hold his own in a battle of wits and Rosie had to respect that.Somewhere under that scar, eye patch, and steel exterior there was a kind human being... if he was a human.

"Ant," Fury said as he pointed at Loki, then he pointed to himself and the entire helicarrier, "Boot." The way he said it made this was a inside joke between the two of them.

Though, Loki was just as equip at witty remarks, clear by his annoying tone of voice."It's an impressive cage. Not built for me I think." As the conversation heated up, Rosie's game of Subway Surfer became more and more boring so after dying again she clicked the game off and paid way more attention to the conversation between the powerhouses. 

"It's built for something a lot stronger than you."

"Oh I've heard." Loki fixated himself on one of the cameras and stared like he was very aware that someone important was watching. His next remark was aimed to hurt and boy did it leave a silent tension. "A mindless beast who makes play he's still a man."

Rosie looked over to her new friend Dr. Banner as he pretended like it didn't bother him. From what she had learned about him from their night in the lab, he was a good man. The look he gave only masked a small portion of his pain.

"How desperate are you? You call on such lost creatures to defend you?" Loki snortled, yeah snortled it truly was an odd thing for a God to do. His arrogance was predictable, you could say he had a God complex. So now she choose to return to her game of Subway Surfers and ignore the predictable horned god. 

When the footage did finally end Rosie silently put her game away to make sure no one saw that she had a small attention span. She sized up the table and finally spoke when no one else would, "Well he certainly does have a way with words."

No one smiled at her attempt for a laugh, in fact most people just ignored her altogether. Steve drew the conversation in with a serious question to Thor, "It seems Loki's going to drag this out, what's his play?"

Thor, who was still pacing back and forth so intensely there were divots in the metal floor, brought his fist to his chin and though announced, "He has an army called the Chitauri." To be completely honest the first thing that ran through Rosie's head was, Must be shitty to have that name. It wasn't funny and she knew it, but for some reason Rosie smiled at her own joke. Other people didn't have to laugh for her to be proud of herself. But her train of thought was pushed back by the deep voiced God, the seriousness of the situation set in. "They are not of Asgard or any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the earth. In return for the Tesseract, I assume."

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